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Old 03-12-2003, 10:31 AM
Nontypical Buck
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: NW Montana / SW Alberta Rockies
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Default RE: carry a side arm?

Its legal here in Montana, as I have a Ruger 357, S.S. with a 3" barrel, and even with that I am undergunned. I like it cause its small and lite. Last year when I was sitting in my spot before daybreak and after a moment I heard something in the dark comeing in my direction, maybe elk, maybe moose, or was it a deer or bear, I dunno but it was so close, I could hear it breathe and heard its ears flap when it shook his head and I just froze as I had my bow across my lapp and my pistol ready and bear spray out of the pouch. There was no snow on the ground so I never did find out what it was to this day. Sorry, didn' t mean to ramble on, later, Bobby
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