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Old 12-23-2007, 12:30 AM
Safety Off
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 103
Default RE: Excalibur Vortex Report from a Newbie

My test today went great. I took a lot of pictures but still can't figure out how to get them in my post. Here goes my test. First, I set up on a rifle shooting bench and shot most shots stationary with sand bags. I put the crossbow target out to 20 yards and zero'ed in at that range. My first find is DON'T shoot many bolts at the same spot, I wasusing three shots like I do a rifle before I adjust. However, the bolts were all going in the same spot. By the time my last bolt hit, it would slide right by the other two buying itselt deep in the target past the feathers. Pulling it out damaged the feathers.

I was using the Luma Zone scope. I guess I don't understand it. Iused 20 yards as the center cross hair and they all hit bulls-eyes. If I shot them together, all arrows touched. I moved out to 30 yards and used the 2nd notch on the scope. However, all bolts went 5" higher then the bulls-eye. If I used the 20 yard center mark at 30 yards the boltss went 3 1/3" low. I had to guess to make them hit.

At 40 yards I used the 2nd notch and they hit dead center bulls-eye.

At 50 yards I used the 3 notch and to my surpize they kept hitting sold black. Wind start picking up so I quit the tests.

The only problem I had and again,see pictures - the string was getting beat up hitting the place wear the Iron Sight would go. It frayed the string pretty good. It seems like the edge where you sile on the iron sight needs to be smoothed out or some sort of caps to protect form damaging string when not using the iron sights is in order.I waxed the strings as per the DVD but they string is still frayed pretty good.

Question, is it dangerous to keep using the frayed string or do I have to replace it. I only have about 30 to 40 shots on the bow.

Lastly, does crossbows get trigger jobs? This trigger breaks fairly clean but the travel is a bit grindy and long.

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