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Old 12-14-2007, 07:27 PM
Dominant Buck
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Blossvale, New York
Posts: 21,199
Default RE: Did I get screwed??

I hunt in a couple different situations. At my brothers gun camp all deer are taken to his house. He has skinning and cutting up days and everyone gets an equal share of the deer they were involved with. For example, the other day he had 7 hanging in his garage to cut up. He got 3 of those last week when I went down and hunted with him for a couple days. EXCEPT... (there's always an except).. he's never given me a stinkin steak in all these years. LOL I guess he knew I shot enough deer I didn't need it. LOL BUT, if you're not his brother you'll get a share. In the other situation, I hunt with my highschool buddies. You shoot it ... it's all yours in that camp... except for Chuck(my grade school, best man, friend for life)and I. When I lived in Maryland I usually gave him the deer I shot in NY. This year I kept it, but I am going to give him a few packs of meat. He loves the neck roast which I saved for him. He loves the inside loins which I'll give him. I'll give him one backstrap and some steaks.

That said, for what you did, you deserve a couple choice morsels. IN FACT, I'd call the jerk and tell him so. That's just low class bull hockey. I wouldn't bring it here unless you want to show him the replies. I'd go straight to him and tell him, I want some MEAT. And I don't mean garbage cuts. You deserve some good stuff.
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