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Old 12-14-2007, 09:34 AM
Giant Nontypical
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Default RE: Things that you keep buying over and over again?

Germ, it IS wimpy, and that's why it sucks. But, before I inevitably destroy it - it's SO nice to not have to untangle all that rope all the time, and keep constant tension on the hoist rope.

You get spoiled by the retractible hoist.See,when you go back to the regular rope, it's sagging all over the place, getting tangled in the bushes...and god forbid you climb up a shagbark hickory... That rope is like a magnet to the tree trunk - then it's all wrapped up in the bark - which REALLY makes memad. LOL

Nothing makes mesteam morethan when I try to pull my bow up into the stand, and it gets hung up on something on the ground. [>:]I cuss the bow. I cuss the rope. I cuss the bush that it's stuck on. The whole way down and back up - sweating now - mad. Nonstop tirade of anger, frustration and utter contempt for the rope.

Bloodcreek: I probably hunt in 20 - 30 different trees every season. I seem to always forget to take out the hooks when I come down. Or I leave them up there deliberately, b/c I plan on hunting that tree again, later. And I lose them. And other people lose them, so I give them away.

BigJim: Gloves - DEFINITELY. I just keep ruining and losing the blasted things. Then, I find them in a coat a year later. [>:]
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