Forums - View Single Post - Crossbow strikes twice in one week (w/pics)!
Old 11-30-2007, 07:24 PM
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 191
Default RE: Crossbow strikes twice in one week!

Here's the story: I got permission to hunt this piece of property that is only 23 acres. For elk that is very small. They move around so much that it's hard to catch them in there. The plan was to check on that area in the morning and try to time it when they were there and then check out other areas later in the day. Yesterday I was almost done checking this out and didn't see any fresh tracks. Right before I left I decided to check one corner of the property that I had missed walking in in the dark. I found tracks and then this big boy with 2 other bulls that were about the same size. The wind swirled as I was making a stalk and they got up from their beds. I could tell they were about to take off so I let them see me and walked at an angle to them that made them think I would walk around while still getting closer. I could tell they really didn't want to leave their beds. I was able to close the gap to about 45 yds. and my bolt flew through his chest catching the fletching on the hide on the other side. He ran about 200 yds. and crashed down the hill into the tree he's wrapped around. I was going to resharpen the BH that my buck was taken with and I forgot so this was with a new bolt and BH, still a 2 blade Zwickey though. My taxidermist guessed that he would score 340-350". He's much bigger than I had hoped to take with the crossbow.
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