Forums - View Single Post - Sorry to ask... Need detailed instructions on calling a coyote
Old 11-21-2007, 09:24 PM
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 53
Default RE: Sorry to ask... Need detailed instructions on calling a coyote

always get into your area as quietly as possible. set up with the wind in your favor. make sure you have rocks, brush, trees. grass or something to break up your outline. get as comfortable as possible so you can keep movement to an absolute minimum. an ideal setup would have the wind in your favor, the sun at your back, something to sit in or in front of to break up your outline, and a good field of view in front of you. i use mostly rabbit in distress mouth calls, call for a short amount of time, say thirty to sixty seconds, then wait for a few minutes. twenty minutes is enough time for a coyote to come in, if you haven't seen one in that time, try somewhere else. your first calls should not be full volume, so as not to spook any coyotes that are close. if you are using a pistol or bow a decoy of some kind might be helpful to keep his attention off of you. have not had much experience with decoys but i definately plan on using them more in the future. good luck
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