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Old 11-05-2007, 02:25 PM
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: GA
Posts: 51
Default RE: Ameristep blinds or any type of blind

I use one as well in the early part of the season... primarily because leaves usually obscure your vision in the early part of our seasons in GA. I, too, go out a few weeks early and set mine up to minimize "spooking" of deer. I use one of the lesser expensive "outhouse" blinds and I'll open all 4 viewports to eliminate the "black hole" effect. It does expose the back of my head, but I'd rather risk them seeing the top of my head move than silhouette me against a nice black background.

One thing you might want to try and do is get used to only zipping the openings down far enough for you to barely be able to look over with a minimal amount of movement. Especially with one of the lesser expensive blinds. If you have a hard time sitting still, I would invest in one of the blinds that have the "shoot through" mesh windows. IIRC, they don't have the black interior and show much less movement inside the blinds, plus, they don't have the "black hole" effect mentioned by kevin1.
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