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Old 02-10-2003, 03:39 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: meridian idaho USA
Posts: 429
Default RE: Need some advice on yotes

If you are just a beginner get a closed reed cottontail call and practice with a tape to get the sound right, then go for it.
Later on if you really get into it the electronic caller gives you several options for more versatility.
Predator calling can be tough, IMO you can spend the money on the electronic caller later if you decide you really like calling.
The majority of people don't stay at it long because you can get easily discouraged.
Most experienced callers will tell you they can call in just as many with either hand calls or electronic calls. For the beginner the electronic call may give you more confidence that you sound right.
The sound is not the most important thing, you need to call where there are coyotes and with a good setup so you can see them if you do call one in. People call in coyotes with some pretty bad sounding rabbit imitations.
Use your .280 if you don't care about the hides. Just watch your background closely in farm country.
Good luck!
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