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Old 07-30-2007, 09:25 PM
Typical Buck
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Wide open Nevada
Posts: 515
Default RE: Jumpin some ducks

Please don't start duck hunting . Turn back before its to late . I starts with jumping a ditch then a river ,then you pick up a few dec's then a call . Next thing you know you've 50-60 dec's 8-9 calls a lay out blind ,a skiff lay out and a closet full of shadow grass camo, drooling over the next generation robo duck . it's not worth it .

If you have to some simple camo that is close to what you hunt and a plugged shotgun you shoot well that will handle steel in 4s up to bbs , a 20 will serve for the little ducks to 25 yds get a 12 for mallards and red heads out to 40-45 . 3" is enough all I shoot is 2 3/41s&bs Kent fasteel will let you whack the errant goose .
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