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Old 07-05-2007, 07:33 AM
Giant Nontypical
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Default RE: Interesting Changes in PA

Not a choice, Jim. I simply cannot take my Weatherby deer rifle with me bowhunting. Even if I "chose" to. There is a very clear double standard. ...and I think you'd be quite surprised to find out how many bowhunters were fined every year for illegally carrying handguns while bowhunting and spotting. Well, the operative word there is "were," b/c that's all now legal - and will certainly lead to the end of spotting as we know it - effectively strippinga"right" away from law-abiding citizens, just to keep the gun nuts pacified. It's coming, trust me. That will eliminate the PA buck hunter's best scouting tool. Thanks.

We all know why the double standard exists (pistols vs. long rifles), but you gun nuts just don't want to admit it: Because a guy bowhunting or spotlighting with a bolt action deer riflewould obviously bea "poaching risk," but somehow the coward "bowhunting" or "spotting" with his T/C Encore isn't a "poaching risk." Weird how you guys can twist or ignore common sense to fit your own agenda.

Same with the new spotlighting law. I just don't see the difference between spotting with this in the car:

(.22-250 T/C Encore, 7x scope, bullberry 12" custom barrel)

Versus this:

(Marlin lever action)

Obviously, I'm not afraid of Sasquatches, or carjackers, or the big bad wolf, or the tooth fairy, or aliens, or druggies, or squirrels, orsomebody's puppy dog- so maybe I'm just not understanding where you PA guys are coming from. Sorry, but I just don't know what a grown man, with a knife on his side and a quiver full of razor-tipped arrows is afraid of. Maybe y'all just need to sell your bows, hang up the quiver, and pick up a Wedding Fantasy Barbie.

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