Forums - View Single Post - Excalibur Customer Service (Dan Miller) Simply the best!!!!
Old 06-29-2007, 07:49 PM
Nontypical Buck
Join Date: Feb 2006
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Default RE: Excalibur Customer Service (Dan Miller) Simply the best!!!!


Thanks Jason!!! That was faster than my Pheonix.. Maybe not as fast as a Stryker but my arrows are moving pretty fast when they come out of the other side of the deer....>>>>>>>>>>Th anks again!!

PS.. Which one of the strings on his list is Dan's favorite FFF? mmmm. wonder if Dan will pick up the phone tommorow
LOL, which Dan? Miller favors the fff for accuracy. I've shot both extensively, [fff and excel] and decided some time ago that since I'm already 16 fps under max due to heavier Miller GT's [1 fps per 5 grs of change] I went to the fff exclusively. I was not happy w/ the fff and stock 360 gr Excal arrows, the speeds were right on, but what a quivering, noisy, nasty, deal they are/were outta the Emax. The string I'm least fond of is the Flemish dacron, as it stretches like the fff, but has the same fps as the endless loop Excel, which doesn't stretch much at all. To each his own, you can go for speed or whatever your lil heart desires w/ Excal.
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