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turkey harvester 04-19-2015 07:15 AM

Finally it has gotten here. Weather not the best but at least no rain. Do have some wind but can't kill em from home. Done some aluminum welding for a farmer at school and now have rights to his farm. Went yesterday morning and heard 5. Seen a strutter with 3 jakes in a small field and the other gobblers sounded off all morning. I'll be close to that little field in the morning waiting on him if he wants to play. Gonna let the wife take first crack at one then hopefully there is another that wants to play.

BIG DONNIE BRASCO 04-19-2015 09:35 AM

Chivalry is NOT dead. :)
taking my wife on Friday... let us know how she does.

j76 04-19-2015 01:21 PM

Big day for me is tomorrow. Weather is lookin about as bad as it could possibly be tho. Half inch of rain tonite and steady rain and wind all day tomorrow. Got the pop up blind set today, lookin like I'll be camped out in that tryin to stay dry. Theres a descent amount of birds around tho so just gonna have to sit it out and see what happens.

onetohunt 04-19-2015 05:33 PM

Great bird Donnie!!!! I haven't been able to get over to Kansas yet, but I hope to this week. Missouri starts in the morning so I will out in hopefully clear skies!! Pouring right now so who knows??? Good luck to all of you Missouri hunters tomorrow!!

superstrutter 04-19-2015 07:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I went back to Texas this weekend. I was determined to get one with my bow. Drew on a longbeard but he saw me. Shot just over another longbeard. I called in three jakes. Time was running out, so I took one of them. It was an 18 yard shot without a blind. He is a 14 lb. 10 oz. monster. He scores 27.625

EFH 04-20-2015 12:19 AM

My luck has been up and down...... Took my 9yr old daughter Saturday at lunch, it was raining that morning. Walked in, setup and had 2 answer but were a long way problem, it's early, we can wait em out. Called again about 10min later, answered again! Good deal! Then...linc goes off, got called into work!
Rain Sunday morning, so got to club at lunch. Got out to open gate, linc went off.....called into work!
Called a buddy when finishing up at work to see if he wanted to go. Picked him up and it started thunder storming again! Went anyway. Rain stopped as we got there. Walked in about 150yds and cut. Had one answer! Set my friend up and got back about 30yds. 20min later....bird down! As we took a pic, linc went off, called in! .....CRAP! Got done in enough time to go back and roost one!
Called boss to take off a few hours in the morning, he says cool. 12:30am, linc goes! Now.....I'm at work now and it's 3:30am, camo in truck, and Im off call when shift starts today! At 4 I'm leaving this place and not looking back!!!! Lol!!

j76 04-20-2015 07:50 AM

Knocked one down this morning. Sorry for the crappy numbers hes gonna put up. He looked a lot bigger when he suddenly appeared right outside the blind window. I shoulda saved a shell and reached out and grabbed him by the neck! Just a jake but between bad weather work and trying to get my kids out it may have been my only chance. I'll get a pic and some numbers on here later. Takin my kids out after school to the bro in laws. Hes got a group thats always out behind his house. Supposed to be a slam dunk so hopefully they can do better than me.

BIG DONNIE BRASCO 04-20-2015 08:30 AM

Originally Posted by EFH (Post 4194682)
Then...linc goes off, got called into work!

Oh.... you too?

You must be in the IT industry like me! :throw:

I am lucky enough to have the kind of tenure that allows me to "TELL" my company.... "I will be UNREACHABLE the entire first week of turkey season" !!

j76 04-20-2015 09:33 AM

Wow its even worse than i thought! 16.25lbs 3/8 spurs and 3 inch beard. Sorry guys.

EFH 04-20-2015 02:26 PM found a turkey alive and made him dead! That's a successful hunt in my book! Hope you get them youngins on one.

Donny....yes....the linc sucks! Lol!!

Got on my birds today. Sat with one from daylight to 11:45 before screwing the pooch. Last time he answered me was at 10:30 and he was still around 300yds out. He hadn't gained too much ground since fly down, so I decided to give him until 11:30 to talk to me again, or I was going to work. An hour passed and he never made another peep. When I stood up I cut loud just to see if I could get a courtesy gobble before I left, and he nearly blew my hat off! That joker was about 40yds and I melted back down. I got down on my gun and turkey!? After what seemed like an hour I called again and he had moved out to about 100yds or so. He didn't see me, I just called to dang loud for a bird that close. If I would have set for another minuet Itd be all over but the crying. On the bright side, I got a big ole timber rattler on the way back to the truck. Got him cleaned up and ready to stink up some grease 😆

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