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Old 03-06-2007, 09:54 PM
Colorado Luckydog
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Wolves: Mother's Nature's Revenge

ORIGINAL: Killer_Primate

There is a cycle that all animals go through, but I forget what it is called. But, it starts off with low population when compared to the food sources. Then it balances out and there is just enough to go around (this is where good hunting practices should be employed) and finally the next stage is not enough food for the population, sickness/disease set in and get the numbers back to where they should be.

My question is - why do we need to play god? Let nature work its course, and hunt them if you like. But do it in a manner that will actually help them. If anyone is over populated it is us. Can we not look inward? Do we not find comfort in the truth?

If you were to figure out what the top one hundred dangers were in the forest, and then eliminate them, you would not have fixed the forest. You would have ruined it!
I want to repeat, I believe in strong management!We need to protect our communities, livestock, and mainly our children from these professional killers. When something is bad you deal with it! **ck being politically correct(I'm not talking about breaking the law).

KP, Find comfort in this truth! What do you think the top one hundred dangers to our children are?What is your opinion on child molesters? Should we let them in the playground?
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