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Old 02-08-2007, 07:28 PM
archer 2
Typical Buck
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Posts: 760
Default RE: Rushing The Shot Problem

I agree with sr77 on one part but disagree on another. Yes get up close and personal with the target butt. BUt instead of no target , put a target up there. It is the spot that is bothering your friend so just blank baling isnt going to do away with his fear of the spot. He will be fine while blank baling but as soon as you put a spot up there he will be back to where he was. Put the target up there and shoot real close . Being close you can retrain your mind to know that you can lock onto the spot without the urge to jam the trigger and will in time be able to hold on the spot and not shoot at all if you choose. You need to confront what is causing the problem (the spot) and blank baling will not accomplish that.
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