Forums - View Single Post - Most influential person in archery today
Old 01-21-2007, 11:04 AM
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Default RE: Most influential person in archery today

Nugent is right up there.........he probably has more widespread influence then anyone out there. Most casual and even many serious hunters or archers don't even know who started Mathews or Bowtech or really just don't care. Their names may be at the top of the list for equipement reasons but as far as archery in general the nuge spreads the word like a virus. He has influence on 100 different levels but perhaps most of all he is it through TV, Music, Books or whatever.........more people of all ages know his name and face then anyone else in archery that I can think of. I am willing to bet that Nugent DIRECTLY influenced more people to get into hunting and/or archery then all the cam designers combined.
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