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Old 01-14-2007, 09:43 AM
alwyshntn's Avatar
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Default Missouri Turkey Hunts (contest)

I would like to let all know that might be interested in this event. I am a member of a youth mentoringorganization that is putting on a youth hunt/campout. I would like all youth that are eligible to be able to participate in this event.

Let me start off by saying that we will have two grandprizes which will include a guided turkey hunt near the Chillicothe,MO area that will be filmed by a surprise guest who is a TV Hunting personality. Second hunt will be a fully guided turkey hunt donated by Mussell Valley Outfitters of New Cambria, MO. There will be second and third place prizes of Martin youth bows and free turkey fan mounts.

The contest will include a outdoor essay to be submitted. Don't feel left out though. Anyone who wants to participate is invited to attend the Youth Camp Outs...Thesewill be held by Missouri Outdoor Experience Staff and will include camping,fishing,outdoor cooking, and the best turkey hunting ground for you and your kid to hunt on. We look forward to meeting you and your kids and hope that you can make memories through us.


Check under the events and activities....
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