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Old 11-21-2006, 09:03 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 14
Default RE: Heading to Kansas and need.......

Pretty quiet in NE KS last weekend. Saw one buck cruising only and kicked up a buck bedded down with the resident doe over the hill from the folks' house. Bigger bucks have been locked down on does during the day the last two weeks and smaller guys still cruising, but even that has been to a lesser degree.

Saw a 2 1/2 year old on way to town that night an hour after dark crossing the blacktop. He was all stiff legged and haggard looking, just looked like he'd been on a three day vegas bender. I stopped, honked, yelled and he didn't even break stride. He wasn't nose down after a hot doe either. The one little guy i actually saw from the stand hit my scent trail where i'd walked in and locked up.. first time that's happened all year. He was nose down looking for action so that's as good as sign as any.

All my resident does and yearlings on the 220 i'm hunting were nowhere to be found. I moved my 2nd stand (off the bean stubble) around 11:00 sunday morning and i could have sworn i heard something grunting at me. ANyway after the effort and knowing i'd scented up the area pretty bad i took off. I was not all that happy either. THese last two sat/sunday hunts were unproductive to say the least. Didn't even see any of the resident does after last friday, it's like they moved out of state. Then on the way home off the highway between 12:00 and 1:00 I see three different does feeding in cornfields and one really good lucking buck down in a creek bed staring across the other side of the creek. He got my blood boiling... looked like a pretty tall, wide, dark antlered 8. Then after that i just got mad. I'm positive they're coming out to the road to taunt me on the way home. I need to figure out how to stop coming in for lunch and taking hour plus naps.

All farmers in my area spent last weekend chiseling and applicating anahydrous (sp?) on bean stubble. Hadn't seen ANYthing in the bean stubble all season except one possum and a covey of quail for about sixty seconds anyway. I'm heading up Friday afternoon again, but I have a feeling that I'm not going to see anything other than the little guys i've been seeing since late October.
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