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Old 11-20-2006, 08:47 AM
wryfly's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 57
Default RE: vermont trophys added

Headed out to my "spot" first thing saturday morning. Set out a couple scent wicks and found a nice blow down to sit against. The woods have dried out enough to make stalking conditions horrible. Just walking down my trail I was sounding like a freakin moose!

Just over an hour later I caught some movement to the side of me. About 60yds out a 4ptr made his way across the ridge up wind of my scent. I watched him for a bit contemplating taking him or not. I knew there was a 7ptr in the area, so I decided to let him pass......also my first morning in the woods. It's a short enough season!!

Next morning I headed to the same spot......went through the motions and hunkered down. About 9 o'clock i was tightening up and started to stretch....a doe was approaching from the side and caught my profile. She started trotting away from me and stopped. I looked around to see if she was alone......and decided to have a lil fun with her. Started to work a beat and tending grunt with her. She was lookin all around.....big satalite ears spinning all directions. About 10 minutes later start planning my approach accross the ridge. As I'm about to get up i glimps movement to my side again. I look up and see a nice rack following her same path.

He was quartering away at too great an angle for a good shot, and I wasn't about to attempt the behind the head shot . When he entered a clear lane I gave a good loud bleat with my mouth.....enough to get him to step and look back. My husquavarna piled him up against the tree as I jumped off the ground doing the deer dance .

Great drag.....about a mile in, all down hill . My wife hit a spikehorn with my car the night instead of putting him on the hatchback (such a great site!!) he went in back of the family van....haha. Guess I'll be gettin my wife a new air freshener!

My digital camera chit the bed so had to pull out the disposable. Will post those as soon as they get in.

.......145lbs 8ptr 14" spread

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