Forums - View Single Post - Pedersoli Co. drops support of Toby Bridges due to his extreme views on Muzzleloading
Old 10-13-2006, 03:01 PM
Triple Se7en
Nontypical Buck
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Default RE: Pedersoli Co. drops support of Toby Bridges due to his extreme views on Muzzleloading

ORIGINAL: cascadedad

Which exact hunter or groupdo you want to decide? Would you like it if I decided for YOU? Probably not, and likewise I don't want you deciding for me. The ideas on what is "right" or "wrong" very greatly. Yes, each state needs to decide how to MANAGE there wildlife the best. Are they going to make EVERY person happy? No. Are they going to get it right all the time? No. Are many of these people incompetent and don't have a clue? Probably, but that doesn't mean I want you to decide.

Wow, don't you remember this question I tried to ask you regarding one of your QUOTES? Can you give some "evidence" or a link, or will chose to ignore again? I am still really interested in who these folks are.
If you had more common sense, then you would consider yourself as(1) of a million (hypothetical) that would like more say inthe decisionsthat your Wildlife/DNR governing body make..... not the other way around where these governing bodiesimplement stuff that most hunters would not approve - for no apparent good reason! We need to decidesome of thelegislations... not DNR Boards exclusively ruling over us with an iron fist.

All that other stuff you posted about asking for quote proof - needs to be addressed one-on-one. I missed your response to your earlier concerns about where I get my quotes from. Most are from messageboards - contained in whatever discussions of that day are. Some other quotes I give are from reviews, books, magazines... etc.

Would be nice if you stayed on topic... but then again, I have concern over your common sense.

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