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Old 09-25-2006, 11:33 AM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 94
Default Having problems with my nock point

I'm having some problems getting my nock or anchorpoint to be consistent. It's odd, I've been hunting for 10+ years now and just started to have some problems. I haven't changed anything on the setup as this is the third year with this bow, peep, and release. I had been taught from day one to use the corner of my mouth as my anchor point and that fits well with my short draw length. But for some reason I'm finding that I'm drawing the bow back and having a problem finding my pin through my peep site.(note, this only seems to be an issue when hunting, not practicing)It seems to be because I'm naturally moving my nock point under my chin thus moving the peep sight "higher" to the point where I can't even see through the peep at that angle.

Outside of practice, practice, and more practice what else might help me? Is a kisser button an option? I've never used one before so I'm not familiar with them. What I'm trying to do is draw back several times right after getting in the stand and trying to drill my nock point into memory to help things out a bit.

If I was doing it in practice or had never killed deer before I'd worry it was just nerves or inherent bad form- and it still could be I guess. Right now it just seems like a total collapse of my fundamentals while on the stand.
Maybe I should listen to "self-help" bowhunting tapes while on the stand to keep my mind focused!

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