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Old 09-25-2006, 08:54 AM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: They're worse than I thought!

I like TJF and Exocet77's response to this post. Sure it stinks that a bungler is hunting the adjacent land. But that's just another variable. You have to react to it like you would a field harvest and adjust your strategy. Use him to push deer to you. I think your first mistake was hunting near him if he's going to be that big of a distraction. Don't let the lure of a good spot blind you to the fact that he's ruining it. The deer will notice him and react to him. You've got to figure out how they will react and plan accordingly. Another suggestion is to extend the hand of friendship to a brother hunter. This guy may be inept, but it could be because he doesn't know any better. He may be learning all on his own and doing it by the "School of Hard Knocks" method. I don't know how you can proffer an offer of mentoring him without stepping on toes but you may be able to give him some pointers (not offered in a superior tone) and maybe even have him practice with you. Who knows, he could be a new hunting buddy for you that just needs grooming. Try to put a positive spin on it. You may just reduce the inconsiderate hunter population by one.
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