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Thread: scents
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Old 08-22-2006, 12:43 AM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 99
Default RE: scents

Deer scent work's and quite good, if you have a green field where there some doe's go early say 3.00pm and walk with doe in heat there are many kinds, I use Tink's etc.walk on side where the deer come into field putting sent on sides and bottom of boots, then walk into field and make 90 deg turns and head back to where you will hide and put some on branches near your hiding spot and watch, you will be amazed, buck's come out late if you have binoculars stay late and the bucks will follow your tracks, next night do it again and buck's will chase doe's thinking there ready to breed, they get quite crazzy. now saying all of this if rut is not near it will not work it works like crazzy in the second week of Nov in west Quebec but it is quite cold well into frezzing tempsand the rut is on
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