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Old 08-07-2006, 09:07 PM
Jackson Bowner
Fork Horn
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Default RE: how much would this gun be worth??

Did you roll out of bed on the wrong side Cd or are you constipated or what?? You said, "it's worth $0.00 until you connect with a buyer." ??? The gun is worth something to someone somewhere at some price. It doesn't have zero value...even to you believe it or not. It has "market value", but maybe you are not interested in this particular gun at this price, however, it does not mean it has zero worth. Give the guy a break. He has simply asked the group what the "market value" of this gun is and two guys have told him it is worth between $100-$130. Seemed like that should just about have ended the conversationin here. But I guess not, so here's my take on it. The gun continues to have value even ifan individual buyer and seller don't come to terms. If you came into possession of it (say your uncle died and left you this gun for free..and you didn't want it,) it would still have value. Maybe you would choose to take less than $100. Maybe you'd sell it for $20. But the point it, the gun continues to have market value which is the same thing as saying it has "worth". And its worth has clearly been establish at between $100-$130. I have look up this gun in the authoritative bible of gun values...the Blue Book Of Gun Values 25th Edition Which lists its value (again synonymous with "worth")at $125 for 100% grade and $105 for 98% grade and so on down the scale. So you see, the Blue Book even says the gun has some worth. If I was in the market for this gun, I would probably off the seller $100. But then, I am not really in the market for this particular piece, but it still has value...even to me....i'd just try to turn around and sell it for $120-$130. Anyways, I am not sure why this comment came up in the first place and i am sure I did not dignify the last post. My humble apologies. But, his offer to sell it for $115 sure seemed reasonable for the individual that has been looking for one of these. And it is likely someone will eventually buy it for around that price. And when he does, it will be because he "connected with a buyer". That's the American way. We wouldn't go up to someone and offer him $130 for nothing of tangible value...or worth. Good Luck Bare Back!
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