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Old 02-15-2006, 11:16 AM
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Default RE: Finally. . .it has arrived!

Hoyt3, Congrats on purchasing the Bitzenburger. You won't be disappointed. I haven't had a chance to fletch any arrows yet but I was playing around with it last night, seems to be really easy to use once you get the hang of it.

I was going to order it off the internet but I don't really like purchasing things over the net. Even secure websites get hacked into. IE, Lancaster Archery. I know they refunded everyone and dealt with the problem in a very professional manner, but there is always a chance you can get burnt on the net.

It is a shame peopletake advantage of internet shopping. I know buying over the internet is where it is at these days but I like to limit internet shopping as much as I can. Anything I can buy at a store I try to do. I just like the added saftey of knowing who I have given my credit card info to.

So at only 23, I probably seem like a prude, but I personally don't want anyone else buying on my credit.

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