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Old 01-25-2006, 07:07 PM
Lanse couche couche
Boone & Crockett
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Default RE: Disgusting Rhinoceros Hunt

You're the one coming across as a drama queen over some criticism ofa problematic TELEVISED event. In fact, maybe I'll call you Queen Vee[:'(]And you've suddenly become incapable of answering any questions regarding alternative forms of doing this or the cost involved.Or maybe you don't know. If not,maybe you could give me a quote on how much it wouldcost to fly to the Artic Circle and tease Musk Ox with a snowmobileand cattle prod, with someone backing me up with an elephant gun in case of a charge.Or how about going to Canada for a baby seal clubbing expedition. You know, the scientists can use the skinned carasses for scientific research and the local natives love seal meat. Of course, all of this would be televisedfor the greater glory of sports hunting.
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