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Old 12-05-2005, 12:04 PM
redfletch's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 8
Default RE: Late Season strategy?

Just harvested my second doe yesterday in chilly central WI. Counted more does than any day during early season. Saw nice big bucks but not close enough. If you're setting a tree stand in winter woods make sure it's higher than usual. The winter woods seem to amplify sound not muffle it. And the deer as more wary after the gun season so you need to really to out of sight and very quiet.

Interesting observation - the two days I was out in late seasonI started seeing deer almost exactly at the moon's transitpoint (when the moonis at its highest point). Some thinks that's not a coincidence. I'm not sure. But I'll be checking that more in the future. {You can check moon transit time for your location at}

If it gets really cold in your area in late season I'drecommend getting The Body Heater. I rarely recommend products but that thing really works. I was out all day for two days and it never got warmer than 19 degrees and I never once felt cold with that thing on. And its easy to get it out of the way to shot.

Shot true! And don't stop trailing till you see brown.
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