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Old 11-20-2005, 04:54 AM
Typical Buck
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 860
Default RE: Pics of my pointer pup

I took my dog out again yesterday. Damn spent nearly two hours trying to get her into the car. She ran into a muddy field and discovered Plovers. Plovers are shorebirds that usually like open fields, no grass. They will stand still until something comes close then run. If chased, they'll eventually fly, in a low wide circle. This field was actually private property, but they are good about dogs. The game warden's buddyproperty as the warden was there helping also.

Anyway, she would point these plovers. There was no way we could get to her as the mud was ankle deep. But, I noticed the plovers were steading her point. She would point a covey and held it until the last bird flew. In fact she would circle the covey until she was facing us. But ofcourse then we couldn't go near because we would flush the birds and then she'd chase. The warden's attitude was, "Well, that's what she is suppose to do (he owned a GSP so experienced the same situation)." Ugh, she can be so stubborn sometimes. I was finally able to make her come to me butwas somewhat peeved. How can you fault a dog thatdoes what comes natural to it? And a pup besides?

Plovers can be your best friend or worst enemy. My last setter learned to point on them. This one is learning that plovers will hold and I guess they are smelly. Damn little birds can hide anywhere. Worst enemy because they won't leave a field. I could have called her but not with these birds around.
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