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Old 09-08-2005, 03:07 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: SC USA
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Default RE: Do you care how "easy" your hunting is?

"Didn't whine........never said there were too many deer.........too easy?? With a gun there IMO yes it is and I passed on that a crime? " -Atlasman

"Some rustling to my left got my attention and it was a buck moving through the scrubby brush from my left to right at about 40 yards. I squat down and rest my 870 on my Summit rail and wait for him to get in the clear..........his path is leading right into a perfect open lane. He only has about 3 more steps to take and I decide like a moron that I am not comfortable enough. I move just a smidge and my Summit seat scrapes my back or stand or something and makes a noise [] Of course the buck freezes and is staring a hole right through me now. I have my crosshairs on the base of his neck and the stare down continues. A good minute and a half later he decides I am nothing and takes a couple more steps......BANG!! He dropped in his tracks like a ton of bricks and didn't even kick. Cool. I aim double lung always so mydeer usually run a few yards and then pile up.......not him.

I call my bros and dad and tell them he is down and I can see him 40 yards right in front of me so no point in getting down. We all get back to hunting and I am not even really paying attention when 20 minutes later I look to my left again and see 2 does coming up the hillside and heading right for the path the buck took. I get down again and ready for a shot when it appears they went left instead of right so I don't care cause my dad will get them. I guess they were just hanging out because they did walk out on the same path as the buck but only one gave me a shot. I shot her as she smelled the downed buck [&:] She mule kicked and ran about 50 yards and fell over. Cool.

I misjudged the doe and she had some ground shrinkage when I went and got her

Just a little less meat I guess

I said if I got 3deer this year I would grind a whole one up because I always run out of burger first and way too many people ask me for jerky these days. I will introduce that doe to my new LEM grinder later tonight

An hour later my brother shot a big doe. Great day.......3deer in the truck. Only bad part is I am sitting here typing instead of hunting. " -Atlasman appears you were passin' them up left and right!!
That was last year wasn't it ?
Last time I remember a 870 didn't shoot arrows.........but maybe I am wrong !!
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