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Old 08-23-2005, 06:46 PM
Paul L Mohr
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Blissfield MI USA
Posts: 5,293
Default RE: Your thoughts on my form.

From the picture this is what I see. Your elbow looks hyper extended, not straight or slightly bent. Your bow shoulder is up, and your draw shoulder looks a bit down, your release hand is behind your head and your release elbow is amost lower than your arrow. These are all indications of a longer than normal draw.

You should have a slightly bent or straight bow arm, low bow shouder and high release shoulder with the release elbow being level or higher than your arrow.

I will say your stance looks alright for a long draw, you are not leaning back or anything in that pic.

Any time you change anything it will feel wierd or wrong for while. My draw was over inch long when I first starting shooting. I felt wrong when I changed it, but I like it now. Making your draw shorter should not make you bend into your string, you sort of do it now though. It should actually make that problem better. However you might have to change the way you anchor slightly.

It also looks like you are using peep and a kisser button, I would ditch the kisser button and just go by the way the string feels against your face at full draw. After you shorten it draw to where it feels comfortable and then open your eyes, you will most likely have to move the peep sight and your anchor may move up or down or bit. Your hand should be up closer to your ear as well.

Like I said, it really doesn't look that bad. You should be able to shoot pretty well that way. However I bet you have problems holding steady with that draw length.

I think you should loosen up on the release as well. My girlfriend has that problem.

(( Matt posted the same time as I did with pretty much the same comments))

Good luck

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