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Old 07-18-2005, 04:45 AM
Ryan Campbell
Fork Horn
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 250
Default RE: Who all got the hunting butterflies when...

Ok, Tennessee, Calm down. You need to realize a few things. As has been discussed in here before, those video's aren't real hunts. I've been a part of several different hunting videos for deer, hogs and dove hunts. Team Real Tree has been on my uncles ranch and though I will mention no names, I can tell you that these characters are 85% actors. Most of it is choreographed and usually the guide or rancher already knows where the deer are and at what time of day they will be coming out. Team Real Tree requires mature bucks for all of their staff on the hunt including the camera guy. I know of two ranches that they have been kicked off of because of their attitude. You don't just tell a Rancher in Texas how to run his business.
Most of the stuff in the videos and catelogs that you receive are gimicks and only work marginally at best. Notice the constant stopping of action to use some piece of equipment that is named and given credit for the success of the entire hunt. I can tell you what is going to happen in a hunting video I have never seen before it happens. Something along these lines seems to be in everyone of them, (in whispered tone to the camera) "we're out here on the fill-in-the-blank ranch, it's beautiful out here. The rancher told us he's been seeing some big deer at this field. I'm going to use my new supergadget to hide my scent (or call him in, or steady my aim, or judge choose)."
Take a deep breath Tennessee, calm down, enjoy your hunting and shopping for your hunting gear at wal-mart is an abomination before the Lord. Amen.
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