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Old 09-22-2002, 12:15 AM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: searcy arkansas USA
Posts: 64
Default RE: 6 1/4" brace height too short?

Hi, sorry but I just had to put my 2cnts in.
My experience with brace hieghts, I owned a Darton Maverick for about 3 yrs. 6 1/4" brace height. I'm not a pro or anything but I shot it pretty well and never slapped my arm. Pretty good groups also, 3D and hunting.
I purchased a Bowtech Patriot in May. 7 1/2" BH. I've been shooting it about every other day (literally). Still slap my arm with it every once in a while and it is setup exactly the same draw as my maverick. Got the marks to prove it. That WC string is butal. Also tried shooting with the grip off. For me it was no change. Don't get me wrong I love the bow, but I shot the Maverick much better. I think it just all depends on what the shooter likes and feels comfortable with.
IMO Brace height is still a factor with me to a point in deciding on a bow. But is not the only thing to consider.
Think about this,a longer brace hieght is supposed to be more forgiving because it leaves the string quicker and has less time for something to go wrong (shooter error). OK, what other part of the bow is the arrow touching all the way to the RISER. The arrow rest. Unless your using a drop away wouldn't shooter error (form) still play a part even if your shooting a 9in. BH?
If someone can tell me a technical answer for this, I would welcome it. I've been trying to find one for some time now.
Whatever you decide to buy, just make sure it feels good to you when you shoot. It makes it more enjoyable and ultimatly will make you a better shot.
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