Forums - View Single Post - Outfitter Recommendations? Antelope/Mule Deer
Old 06-09-2005, 06:11 AM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 170
Default Outfitter Recommendations? Antelope/Mule Deer

Hello, All -

It's been a while since I posted and I thought I'd drop in.

My girlfriend and I would like to plan our first western hunt in the fall of 06 and I would appreciate any recommendations. While I'd love to chase elk, it seems from my internet searching that they are now only for traveling hunters with greater means than I. So, she would like a shot at an antelope and I'd like mule deer. We will be looking for a guided hunt with a respectable outfit, most preferrably someone who has guided women before.

Do you have any recommendations on outfitters/locations? We are quite open at this point as to the state.

Thank you very much!
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