Forums - View Single Post - Here is a good one! What say the liberals of Kalifornia?Spyro/Jacko?
Old 05-31-2005, 05:24 PM
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: NW Wyoming
Posts: 312
Default RE: Here is a good one! What say the liberals of Kalifornia?Spyro/Jacko?

Jacko you are back! I assume you were at the trial! Has the Idaho Game and Fish contacted you yet for claiming residency in two states?

Bitch and moan, whine and cry, you didn't get your way and you never will. If it isn't your way then you throw a fit and follow the trail of the law suit! Well keep trying, your rhetoric falls on deaf ears and like water off a ducks back. Is that all the better a liberal from Kalifornia can do?

Keep trying Jacko!
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