Forums - View Single Post - Here is a good one! What say the liberals of Kalifornia?Spyro/Jacko?
Old 05-26-2005, 12:01 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Arcadia Ca USA
Posts: 210
Default RE: Here is a good one! Wonder what the liberals of Kalifornia say?Spyro?


You pay more becuase you don't live here. Not like you do in Idaho and Kalifornia where you claim residence in two states.

Why shouldn't some one, who does not pay taxes, buy gasoline, pay for utillities,pay rent, buy a home, buy cookies and candy from the scouts, magazines from the high school kids, buy groceries 365 days a year, go to school programs,work, go to church,buy cars, support all types of local businesses, pay more for a license?

What special privelege do you feel you earn to have the same rights as us who live in our states? You don't and you won't!
So are you saying that people who do NOT hunt and fish should receive a discount on their taxes, utilities, girl scout cookies, magazines, groceries and at local businesses?

Do people that are residents of Wyoming, that sustinance live, not get the same discount?

Along the same theme... Does the person who spends more $ in the community get even cheaper licenses and tags?

Frankly, one has nothing to do with the other... it is a stretch... you know it... I know it... everyone on this board knows it...


If you don't get your way file a law suit! Other wise you need to seek some counseling and mental help to get over it! Talk with your shrink, the one you see about your anxiety attacks and desire to dress like a woman!
Don't transpose your sexual deviance and homo erotic fantasies to me...


I think it has something to do with the constitution! Rights granted to individual states by the federal government. Something like that!
I asked for a reason... the logic behind that decission... not how they are getting away with it.

It would like asking "What is the reason that would cause a person to rape someone in a large wooded area?" and you shouting out "it has something to do with having a large wooded area."

Nevermind that you are too dense to realize that the large wooded area was a tool in the crime... something that possibly enabled the crime... not the reason for the crime....

I swear that you are atleast half-retarded...

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