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300 yard pig killing MACHINE!!!!  Teh Wiked! >

300 yard pig killing MACHINE!!!! Teh Wiked!

South VA, KY, AR, TN, OK, TX, LA, MS, AL, FL, NC, SC, GA

300 yard pig killing MACHINE!!!! Teh Wiked!

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Old 10-26-2009, 12:01 PM
Fork Horn
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Default 300 yard pig killing MACHINE!!!! Teh Wiked!

Well, well, well, it is time for another hog killing FIESTA!! (Mariachi music blaring). It was a festive mood as we departed the Tampa Bay area to whack Wilbur and bring home the bacon. We felt pretty good about the odds because I had a truck full of trained killers from the military. The first you all know and love Todd (T-Bare)….golf clap. The second is one we have all come to know and love, the big boy himself, straight from a dive killing adventure extraordinary, the one, the only, BRANDON (Teh Wicked)!

Yes I was looking forward to watching the amazing killing skills of a man that shoots sub M.O.A. groups at 300 yards in high wind, freehand, without a scope, while standing on one foot. Truly I felt bad for the hoggies for the death and destruction that would be visited upon them by this grim reaper of porcine tissue. From what I could tell he is able to wipe out the entire hog population in Texas on a good Saturday and then clean them out of Oklahoma by two on Sunday (smaller state). So I had the usual conversation of “do you know where to shoot them”? He said no but I pulled a pic out of the internet and showed him the shot placement. (Mr. Rogers voice) Remember kids you can’t shoot them too far forward or too low. Ok he got it.

It was going to be a night then morning hunt and we divided up who was going where. Todd (T-Bare) took the end of the road. I put Teh Wicked (Brandon) on a nice ladder stand. He got to do the most walking but it was the only stand that the wind was perfect for because in this heat you look like you have been swimming by the time you get there. I decided to take James (Doc) blind stand that is not so blind. You look like you are the picture window or a TV in there…but it is now fixed.

I get up in my stand and the wait begins. I have my bow for the deer and my Tikka is waiting in case I have to bust Mr. crispy hams a hole in his organs. MMMMMM….crispy hams (Homer Simpson voice). I just got settled in with a nice book and the feeder goes off at 6:00. No more than five minutes later the local 7 point buck and his BIG doe friend come slipping up the path. He is a nice buck but you can’t eat horns so I want HER! But like two weeks ago they tag me right off and go sailing in those lovely arcing leaps with flags raised on high. I sit down thinking that this seems like a repeat from hell. I lower myself back down and hunker down a bit. At around 6:20 I hear a 7mm go boom off in the direction of Brandon. I smile and hope he got a nice one. 6:33 and I hear Todd go BOOM at the end of the road. I now believe that it is going to be a long night of skinning. But wait…..I hear them coming before I see them. The THUNDERING HERD!!! I have a few herds of hogs that are about 50 to 80 strong. They materialized out of the undergrowth just like the Predator in the movie when his light shifting ability was destroyed. Pretty cool to watch. I reach over and slide Mr. Thunder Chicken up to the wall. I settle in nicely and the good old adrenal glands fire up. There are so many hogs fighting over the corn that it is hard to pick one to shoot. There is a LARGE black and white male in the group and he is a tempting target but as you know I like the BABIES! Ok…maybe she wasn’t a baby but I settled on a nice sow pushing 80ish pounds. Put the bullet down low and squeeze the trigger. BOOM!!!! Porky the pig pandemonium ensues. I got hogs bouncing off of trees and flying through the air for about 2 seconds and then they freeze. It is a little known fact but hogs will freeze sometimes because they do not know where the danger is. I jack a round and now they DO know where the danger is. They start hauling bacon but I manage to line up a little sow going around 25 pounds. The hit is a little far back and I completely disembowel her including her liver leaving it in a pile under the feeder. We managed to track her 45 minutes later and the little thing was still kicking. I could not believe she could live like that but one in the ear made her go nappy nap quick. I went to go find the boys.

I hear my truck grinding up the road and Todd swings around the corner with one of the most wild boar hogs I have seen taken off of my lease. It aint just furry it is shaggy like a bison. It has BIG cutters, broad chest and shoulders, and a tiny little waist that makes it really look like a true Russian boar even though I know we do not have that strain on the property. Most people would not even mess with one like that (or I will not) but we are having an interesting phenomenon on our place. There is so much corn being put down that our big boars do not reek at all and make pretty damn good table fare. I tell Todd I tagged two and we see Teh Wicked walking down the road. He MISSED!!!! Huh ….says I eloquently. Ok let’s go find my pigs. We found the little sow, but, the buzzards helped us find the bigger one in the morning. We had walked within feet of her several times but a pine tree blocked our view. While we were searching I was busy teasing Brandon about his marksmanship. He regaled us with the tale of how he tried to head shoot one and missed. Then he heard them run down the trail and start the horrible squalling and thrashing noise. Uummmm…..what did you hear? Squalling and thrashing? Let’s go find your pig.

I had earlier joked with him that the first pig he shoots will probably be gut shot (seems to be a rite of passage) but he had assured me of his almost Terminator shooting prowess. We start down the trail and I make it in about 20 yards and there on some tall grass is….(drum roll) GUT MATERIAL! Yep there is NO mistaking the smell of hog guts once you have put a bullet through them. We trailed his piggy for a LOONNNGGGG time because I wanted for him to get his first hog but it was to no avail. We went back to fillet Todd and my hogs. Went night night at the hunting cabin with air conditioning (WOOHOO).

Next day Todd went oaks, I went end of road and Brandon the same stand. Nothing happened in my stand so I did my usual walk about I like to do and scared up several deer and turkeys. I swear to GOD I am going to figure out a way to kill whole coveys of quail because they are giving me heart attacks. I keep flushing them everywhere. I had a real stud of a 9 point walk in the road in front of me at about 80 yards so I got a good look at him through the scope. Gun season is right around the corner and if he does that again he will be taking a dirt nap. We all met up but needless to say we had worked the entire area over so hard that no porkies were seen. Drove home with some meat for the freezer.
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Old 10-28-2009, 03:21 AM
Nontypical Buck
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Good story Snook,Keep 'em coming.
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