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Mite 01-23-2005 12:16 PM

RE: I will know about disability soon
Hey Jimmy just thought of something. Have you looked at HUD section 8 housing vouchers? My mom just switched from Disability to Social Security but she used a voucher. It was very simple, very legal use of the voucher. My sister bought the condo she lives in now. My mom asked HUD if she can rent the condo from my sis and they said yes. She fills out papers every year and a visit to make sure no one else lives there. They pay a majority of her rent.

For a disabled person/family, $400 is deducted from your monthly income. Then rent you pay is determined by the highest, 30% of left over, 10% of monthly income (w/o $400 deducted), Welfare rent (depends upon state), or 0-$50 depending upon housing authority. So, rent for you will be about $75. It all helps.

mdrbowler99 01-30-2005 10:13 PM

RE: I will know about disability soon
Good luck Mite.I have been on SS Disability for about 3 years now.I think they deny everybody the first time and try to make them get a lawyer.A friend of mine applied and was turned down even though there was no doubt she was eligible.She got a lawyer and waited about 2 years.The day before her appeal was to be heard in court,she got a call that they had enough info and was going to get it.My father-in-law has applied and was denied and got a lawyer.He was told that there is at least an 18 month waiting list for court.When I went,they denied me the first time.I called a lawyer for an appeal and he didn't show up for the first appeal process so I re applied and ended up being interviewed at the SS office.It was when we were sending all the money to Afganistan.The lady told me she would see wht they could do and I told her that there had better be some money for me if we had money to send overseas.I was approved and got my back disability.The only way to get it,is to fight for it.It is a shame that people in our situations have to beg for SS which we put into while the US has money for every other country.Check out the thoughts of some of the guys about this country in the hunting politics section that I wrote about sick of the tsunami.Some of these guys are truly clueless to the way that things really are in America.

Mite 01-31-2005 01:32 AM

RE: I will know about disability soon
Thanks Mdr,
But I do know of a few things concerning SSA. They are overworked. Many apply for disability not knowing or caring to read about it. Alot of people are propagating falicies. Before you applied how many friends/family gave you advice that just plain wrong? So, now we have people who are pregnant, people with sprang wrists and ankles, applying to disability.

Just an application right? WRONG. SSA examiners are required by law to put as much research into EVERY case like getting medical records, talking to witnesses, etc. That is why people wait soooo long for the initial rejection. Because of the workload, examiners only approve those cases that are indeed disabled, ie. blind, completely wheelchair bound, or very sick and bedridden. But the approval rate for initial applications are 40%. Redetermination 20%.

The appeal proccess to see an ALJ is so long because they use the court system. Disability cases get to the back burner due to criminal hearings must take precedence because they, by law, have to have a speedy trial within a set time period. Or they go free.

Money for the SSA is secured for now. The funds are secured by U.S. Treasury Bonds. It is separate from funds delivered for international help. Most of that comes from the general fund, ie. income taxes, I believe.

So, we get stuck by ignorant people. Stuck by the justice system. The system itself is filled with flaws. Most take two years to get disability. Meanwhile, it takes them to the poor house, can't work, no money, high medical bills. Then medicare kicks in two years later. Laughable. Who needs medicare more? Disabled people. There are so many people on disability who can't afford medications or health care and can't get state help due to disability income is just above the limit.

Well, that's my ranting for the night. I like to watch people with disabled placards get into their cars. Most are not disabled. Most placards are stolen and if caught $500 fine in WA. People still get caught. Some people are just plain stupid.

mdrbowler99 01-31-2005 06:22 AM

RE: I will know about disability soon
I used to try to not use the handicapped spots as there were people whose condition was worse,but now it is getting to where I can barely walk so I do use them.Mite,did you check those posts I told you about?There are really alot of clueless people who think that the govt. helps those of us on SS Disability with medical care and that there is so much money out there for us to get.It is sad that Americans can give millions to tsunami victims while there are people right here in the US that have needs.I am lucky that my wife has decent medical coverage at her job.Even with this,the co-pays are taking a good chunk of our money each month.Keep on fighting for what you deserve.It may take a while,but when you finally get it,it is a nice chunk of change,but like you said,you are so deep in dept and lose most everything that it just isn't right.I lost my 4 bedroom house that I bought to fix up and now live in a trailer that is smaller than my living room and dining room were.My kids room is only 8x8 and with 2 boys,12 and 9,that just isn't enough room for them.At least my kids are healthy so everything isn't so bad.

Mite 01-31-2005 05:32 PM

RE: I will know about disability soon
Yeah, I read all 28 pages. There are a few things that could have put the matter to rest.

The time it takes to get disability. That's what drives people to the poor house. What should take weeks now takes months. That is directly attributed to frivolous cases. Too many people are getting wrong information from friends/family about disability. If we could eliminate these cases, initial application and redetermination time could be done within a month instead of a year.

Also, the amount of money for international aid doesn't affect SSA. SSDI is an insurance paid by the working people. You paid SSA taxes so you are entitled to SSDI. The amount of your award is directly related to the amount of SSA taxes you paid. It's a self sustaining system and won't be in trouble till 2042 then benefits will be cut 30% and in 2079 benefits will be cut 67%. That's only because its expected the percentage of older people will double.

The amount of SSA is alot more than international aid. SSA Northwest Division of Washington, Alaska, and Idaho (3 I believe), has a budget of about 2 billion a year just for disability. The entire SSA program last year was about $668 billion. It is when the President starts talking about touching SSA, everybody starts listening. But international aid is funded separately from SSA and are two different animals.

Also, I think Idahunter was effected by this. I think they give a little extra to those that are close to SSI. If your award is less than $565 a month, you are entitled to SSI. But if you get just little bit more, then you're not entitled. Also, many states use SSI allowable amount for other benefits, like foodstamps, medicaid, welfare, housing, etc. So, you are SOL. it's a conspiracy! <wipes forehead>

Wow, Angelia Jolie is hot.

mdrbowler99 02-02-2005 07:41 AM

RE: I will know about disability soon
Isn't it nice how if there is need somewhere out of the US,that the waiting and paperwork are not needed,but here we have to go through hell to get these great programs from the govt.?Many people are ignorant to how the govt. screws those in need.I went down for aid with my heat,and you see people there dressed in furs and all kinds of jewelry.It is a joke.I applied before Thanksgiving and finally got aid late in January after my wife and I had to go down and take a shutoff notice.There are so many people out there that think that a person can get medical care even without insurance and that the US takes care of it's own people.These people need their eyes opened.I was getting blamed for my situation on the other thread.It was my fault that I lost my house.These people are totally clueless and need to have a reality check.

1dahunter 02-02-2005 05:20 PM

RE: I will know about disability soon

ORIGINAL: mdrbowler99

Isn't it nice how if there is need somewhere out of the US,that the waiting and paperwork are not needed,but here we have to go through hell to get these great programs from the govt.?Many people are ignorant to how the govt. screws those in need.I went down for aid with my heat,and you see people there dressed in furs and all kinds of jewelry.It is a joke.I applied before Thanksgiving and finally got aid late in January after my wife and I had to go down and take a shutoff notice.There are so many people out there that think that a person can get medical care even without insurance and that the US takes care of it's own people.These people need their eyes opened.I was getting blamed for my situation on the other thread.It was my fault that I lost my house.These people are totally clueless and need to have a reality check.
I couldnt of said it better, its a cryin shame that people that have 2020 vision cant see the forest for the trees! So many people now adays are becoming closed minded and anything bad that happens to you is your fault and thats that. I hope that they never have to go through what we have but it would open their eyes. Jimmy

Mite 02-02-2005 06:24 PM

RE: I will know about disability soon
Welcome back, Idahunter. Sorry bout the harddrive problems.

Yeah, its ignorance that'll doom us all. I like to call people like us, "Forgotten Americans". Even disabled people attitude are shameful. As long as they get theirs, they are happy. I've tried to get people on another forum, which directly deals with SSDI, to ask for suggestion on reforms. I was totally ignored.

Here are some ideas I came up with:

1. Let the interviewer more power to say, "that is not what disability is for". Fivolous cases. Someone breaks a leg or gets pregnant, applies for disability.

60% are unfavorable upon initial application. 80% of those are unfavorable in redetermination. Don't know how many are waiting to a see an ALJ but I assume its low. So far 48%. I'd say 35%-40% of all cases are fivolous. By law, they have to spend just as much time on those case as serious cases. Ignorance. It wastes SSA time and money and stretches serious cases out.

2. Real simple. "Applied for Disablity on XX date." should be put on their permanent credit report. Then people would think twice about applying.

Just these two suggestions may reduce fivolous cases.

1dahunter 02-02-2005 08:44 PM

RE: I will know about disability soon
Thanks Mite glad to be back. I agree with you on both counts and Id like to see #2 put into effect I think that would make a difference a BIG difference! I know a few on SSDI that have theirs so they dont care and dont want to do anything about it for others. We just got to stick together and do what we can. Jimmy

Mite 02-02-2005 10:22 PM

RE: I will know about disability soon
FINALLY! I've been waiting for a response from SSA on my case. SSA site says a decision was made on my case and notice is being sent through the mail. Ugh, someways I don't wanna know. Its been in Quality Review since Jan 12. I still don't know the answer but atleast I can do something when the answer comes in...good or bad.

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