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alwyshntn 03-03-2005 07:23 PM

Thats just what the article reads. I encourage everyone to get the new issue of Bowhunter magazine and read the article we all need to read. It talks about a group called (HSUS) Human Society of the United States and others that are gearing up to take on bowhunting specifically. They are attempting to ban the use of archery tackle to take wildlife. NOT WORRIED??? Well they are the most well funded anti groups in the world and they have $97,000,000 to finace their fight along with a well staffed group of litigators and lawyers to bring this fight to the courts to take away our right to hunt!! I'm sure alot of groups such as ATA,IBO, and many many other of our allies are going to help us take on these radicals but they will need our help now more than ever. So I ask all to look into this topic and help out in any way possible. It will take us all UNITED to take these people on. They are very well funded and mean buisness. THANKS TO ALL!!!!


MNRut 03-03-2005 08:08 PM

These people piss me off! [:@]

Not just because they are going after bowhunting though. They are going to spend 97 million dollars on something that they cannot accomplish. That money could be could be better spent saving wetlands or other endangered habitats. Instead they are going to come after hunting (which mind you is a billion dollar industry) and fail. Money talks in this country and unless they can top the hunting industry and all of its affiliated organizations they've lost before they've even started. Don't get me wrong I still think we need to have a voice on the issue, but as far as I am concerned they are just throwing money away.

i shoot stuff 03-03-2005 08:12 PM

man this is what we need to do we need to round up all the people that want to ban hunting and slap some sense into them :D:D:D i got a baseball batt whos with me?

bwhunter501 03-03-2005 08:15 PM


ORIGINAL: i shoot stuff

man this is what we need to do we need to round up all the people that want to ban hunting and slap some sense into them :D:D:D i got a baseball batt whos with me?
ME!!! lol

bigbuck90 03-03-2005 08:19 PM

We can tie them all up in the back of our pickups and let them spend the night in some woods and not take them home until they change their mind, yea thats it.

jones123 03-03-2005 08:22 PM



Instead they are going to come after hunting (which mind you is a billion dollar industry) and fail. Money talks in this country and unless they can top the hunting industry and all of its affiliated organizations they've lost before they've even started.
Exactly right . . . BUT we still need to be vigilant. They are capable of eroding our way of life. Look at the cancelled buffalo hunt in Montana recently.

I maintain my vigilance against anti's through SCI. That's not a plug necessarily, just a reminder to everyone to keep your guard up somehow. RMEF is not very pro-hunting any more, so I dumped them for SCI.

Moose75 03-03-2005 08:24 PM

Are those them tree huger people? They aint happy unless they are makin someone mad.

MNRut 03-03-2005 08:32 PM


Exactly right . . . BUT we still need to be vigilant.
I'm with ya. I plan on getting involved to stop this front. I want us bowhunters to be heard.

What are they going to do next, start a movement against wolves because they aren't humane when they kill their prey!

Sharp Shooter 03-03-2005 08:37 PM

they make me mad![:@] Lets stand up for our rights. We actually help the population when it gets big sometimes.

bwhunter501 03-03-2005 08:39 PM

Hey whats some organizations i can donate $ too to stop the tree huggers?

SniperP1 03-03-2005 09:19 PM

Ok. I did some "research" on this "group" & checked their web site, it looks to me that they are just about as bad as P.I.T.A.! I guess were all just a bunch of senseless killers according to them!? We no longer need to kill for food, & according to them.. "hunting is done solely to acquire trophies or to see who can kill the most." & "In all cases, sport hunting inflicts undeniable cruelty—pain, trauma, wounding, and death—on living, sentient creatures." So, I guess a Bow & Arrow is a "inhumane" method of killing an animal!?

I have a request? Who want's to let me shoot them in the chest w/my Bear: Black Panther Hunter Recurve 45#'s @ 28" & my 100gr Rocky Mountain Gator XP broadhead?? This will be done just to prove their point, that it is "inhumane" & will probably take you hours to die w/a 2" hole in your chest! Heck, I'll even help them out some.. I'll just shoot you in the thigh!? That way, it'll take you day's to die!

4) THESE GROUPS CAN SU............................... NEVER MIND!

In 2001 I shot a buck that field dressed out at 220lbs, I ended up w/close to 100lbs of meat from that deer. I had most of it made into hamburger, the rest was roast, a few packs of summer sausage & some steaks. Cost: $60.00! Go to your local meat market & buy 100lbs w/$60.00. You do the math.. Beef Burger, Average $2.00 a lb x 50lbs! BUT WAIT.. you still have to buy 5 5lb roast, 10lbs of summer sausage & 15lbs of steaks! What do you mean you can't?! OH THAT'S RIGHT.. you spent over the amount just on the burger!

I guess if they are successful at getting bowhunting banned, I'll just be POACHING!!
And that's all I got to say about that! Phil B.

cowdog1742 03-03-2005 09:54 PM

Does anyone have any info on companies that support these anti hunting groups. I would hate to think that i am spending money with a company that is supporting them.

recurver67 03-03-2005 10:09 PM

Nothin would break the government faster.97 million is a lot of money, but thats nothing compared to what they would lose over a few years. These people would't give up a good living to fight there cause and thats what it would take to get it from me!!!

GSPsnFORDs 03-03-2005 10:55 PM

Groups like this make me really wonder if they've done research on how hunting impacts wildlife (i.e. how hunting can prevent over population, reduce the # of car accidents, etc.). I guess they will implement the very "cost effective" birth control for deer and relocation measures already tried and then come screaming and crying as to why deer are starving to death and why there are so many car accidents once hunting is banned. Just my thoughts!

But, just like the NRA we have to unite!

Red Hawk 03-04-2005 12:58 AM


man this is what we need to do we need to round up all the people that want to ban hunting and slap some sense into them i got a baseball batt whos with me?

I have a baseball bat and the whole team to go with me on that one :D

dws 03-04-2005 04:04 AM

I also think they are wasting their time and money. I also think they are wasting our hard earned tax money to deal with this stupid idiotic assenine way of thinking. I can only hope and wish to read in the newspaper that the head people in these types of groups wreck their car into an elk or moose or a deer, get ejected through the windshield, and harpoon themselves on some sharp object in the ditch. I hope that picture brightens everyone's day.

kevin1 03-04-2005 04:24 AM

Fellas ,
97 million is their total revenue , not what they have available to commit to a single project . In reality their pointless and stupid campaign to eliminate bow hunting is doomed to fail for the simple reason that bow hunters spend more on hunting in one month than HSUS takes in all year . The loss of revenue that states would have to face by banning bow hunting is the biggest reason why these twits won't get what they want . Sure , they'll chip away at hunting , but they will never get it banned because we are the single most cost effective game management tool , and the only self funded one , that any state has to control game populations .

If you want to irrationally fear the ARFs then fear the reproductive eggheads they support who are looking for an effective contraceptive for game and an effective way of dispensing it . If they achieve that goal then you'll have something to worry about .

muzzyman88 03-04-2005 05:56 AM

See these groups make me sick. I'm all for animal rights within reason. Hunting is not one of them. Its been said before, which is worse, suffering or a humane kill? To me, these groups are all hipocrits. I really hope none of them eat any meat of any kind. How would you like to raised in a pen then marched into a plant to be slaughtered? We just choose to kill out own animal and use its meat. I also hope none of them live in houses. It took trees to build that house and trees are what the animals they are fighting for use for shelter and food.

Join up with as many groups as you can fellas, we're gonna need everything we've got to fight these idiots.

long_round_tip 03-04-2005 06:30 AM

[:@][:@][:@][:@][:@][:@] GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!![:@][:@][:@][:@][:@]I hate groups like this!!!!![:@][:@][:@][:@]

adams 03-04-2005 07:02 AM


ORIGINAL: bwhunter501

Hey whats some organizations i can donate $ too to stop the tree huggers?

The best thing to do is get organized at a local level. Joining you local bowhunters assoc is a good start. They'll keep you up to date and your money will be well spent and it also may open up some doors for you. Both Maine and NH have similar programs and you can get certified to hunt damage permits and residential areas with deer problems on tags that don't effect your regular hunting seasons.
I found a couple of links you may want to check out.

We had a post going of bowhunter organizations to support but it quickly dropped of the board. Hope this helps.

hatchet jack 03-04-2005 05:53 PM

If your a BOWHUNTER in PA you must join the United Bowhunters Of PA. Shame on you if you don't [:o]There is strength in numbers!!!!!! That goes for any other state BOWHUNTER.

Hatchet Jack

Wirehair 03-04-2005 06:50 PM

Folks your being foolish if you believe that they can not stop bowhunting. You better sit up and take notice because when HSUS and PETA merged they painted a target on your back and told you their coming after you. They have the money, the time and the lawyers who's only task will be to fight against your sport.

They don't care about game management, car accidents, lyme disease, loss of habitat or how much revenue it brings your state. They think that what you do is cruel and inhumane and it must be stopped. With less then 1% of the population bowhunting all HSUS needs to do is convince the majority of the non-hunting public that what you do is wrong and its gone.


They may start the battle by wanting to ban traditional gear, then move to compound and crossbows. Or, they'll try to take the issue down to each county and slowly wittle away. They will fight what gear you can use, where you can hunt, what species to hunt till eventually there is nothing left. There is a bill right now, sitting on the desk of the Virginia's governor waiting for his signature that would allow counties to ban archery pratice inside city limits.

If you don't think it can happen look what happened to trapping and the fur industry within the past 20 years, or how about the recent ban in England on the long tradition of fox chasing. We hear every year how states have to fight to hunt bear, dove, mt.lion, pheasant, with hounds, over bait, etc,etc.

Lets face it, bowhunting is not an effective or efficient game management tool. Give me a safe backstop, bait pile and a suppressed rifle and I'll remove more deer from a neighborhood in one night than a bowman could in a month. We bowhunt because we like to.

It will be a never ending battle and you need to get involved by being active in not only local and state organizations but in politics as well because your elected officials are the ones that will be voting either for or against your sport.

DavidChesney 03-04-2005 10:06 PM

adams - great advice. Thank you.

I did just that very thing tonight. I have been a member of Chicago Bowunters, Inc. a 190 member, 30 acre archry facility owned and operated by its members. And tonight I nominated myself and was voted to a Board Members seat tonight. I plan to use this seat to inspire and educate our members on the need to meet these organizations head on. It seems a lot of folks wring their hands about the notion of losing their rights but sit on the sidelines when it comes to organizing and being heard. Our dollars have a tremendous voice but it takes passion and conviction to be heard. Don't be fooled into thinking it could never happen...anything can happen if we idly sit by and let it. Don't let it! Get involved, make calls, write letters, get involved with a local orginization, search for websites dedicated to bowhunting and let them know what you think. Let everyone know what your rights are and will be.

Oh, and by the way, I'm very proud to have been honored with this Board Member seat. I think involvement will make me better educated as well.

throwingStarr 03-04-2005 11:26 PM


"In all cases, sport hunting inflicts undeniable cruelty—pain, trauma, wounding, and death—on living, sentient creatures." So, I guess a Bow & Arrow is a "inhumane" method of killing an animal!?

...Would ya rather have them pushed out of windows little goilies.?

SniperP1 03-05-2005 12:37 AM

I think everyone knows what you are trying to get across.. But, if these "elected officials" want to keep their job's I'll bet they don't sign jack S**t! What do you think is going to happen if they try & bann any kind of hunting in the US!? There's going to be a bunch of the brown stuff hit the fan from millions of hunters!
Do I think it could happen.. It could. Will it.. Probably Not!

Here's one for you, They bann all firearms & tell everyone to turn their guns in at your local Court House, are you getting in line to turn in you guns? Or, does the government now have ONE BIG MESS ON THEIR HANDS?!
Later, Phil B.

nodog 03-05-2005 07:46 AM

Personally I think most people have no clue as to how these types of freedom infringements start. When "well meaning" albeit ignorant people give away a freedom for the so-called betterment of society they have no clue as to the length that loss can reach. If anyone really wants to ensure their freedoms and privileges a good, no a great place to start is in the education of kids. The public education system in this country is one of freedoms biggest opponents. Start there and colleges will change their tune as well. We may never see the effects but our grand kids might. Freedom should be the umbrella under which all things are judged in this country, but I don't think, even though many will say it was what this country was founded under, ever was.

Every person that has died for this country has died to give us freedom. Lets honor them by becoming at least educated ourselves. All these mistake have already been made by people and civilizations before. There are people who for their own personal gain exploit these mistake. An educated public would never even give them the time of day.

Anybody out there think sobriety check points are ok? I didn't hear anybody raising an uproar over the loss of freedom over those. Where were you guys then? See what I mean.[&o] Just my HO.

deersniper101 03-05-2005 08:24 AM



These people piss me off! [:@]

Not just because they are going after bowhunting though. They are going to spend 97 million dollars on something that they cannot accomplish. That money could be could be better spent saving wetlands or other endangered habitats. Instead they are going to come after hunting (which mind you is a billion dollar industry) and fail. Money talks in this country and unless they can top the hunting industry and all of its affiliated organizations they've lost before they've even started. Don't get me wrong I still think we need to have a voice on the issue, but as far as I am concerned they are just throwing money away.
same here that is bullpoop

pah 03-05-2005 09:52 AM

For anyone who's looking to get involved check out Wildlife Legislative Fund of America (US Sportsmen's Alliance) at:
I read a while back something about the salaries that some individuals were making from the anti orgs. and I'd like to know how they can keep their non-profit status. With the size of some of the salaries its obvious that these people are in it for the money and nothing else.

zak123 03-05-2005 10:14 AM

I thought about it for awhile. I think there is a chance it could happen, but it probably won't. The bow manufacturers would donate money to help us, because without bowhunting, they wouldn't make any money.

bushmaster_5bko 03-05-2005 06:38 PM

That pisses me off[:@]... what can we do to stop this?? If i lose bowhunting then theirs nothing left for me..

Wirehair 03-06-2005 09:05 AM

SniperP1, Lets not discuss firearms now, that would take this topic in totally different direction.

What a lot of people don't understand is that they won't just come and flat out ban hunting. They are slowly taking things away little by little till nothing will be left. I gave examples that it's happening right now!

Hunting license sales are dropping and it shows that Bowhunters are an extremely small minority, those that are policitial involved is even smaller. To prove my point here's a test for you. At your next club meeting (you are a member somewhere?) ask how many people are registered voters who have voted, also remind them voter registration is public information. You'll be lucky to have a third of the people raise their hands. You really want to see sparks fly, propose that no one can join unless they are registered to vote. I've seen the results first hand.

When you have 10% of the general population prohunting and less than a third of them bowhunts and only about a third of that group is involved with the polictial process you're looking at like 1 in a 100 actively promoting bowhunting. Now add that there is also 10% of the general population that totally opposes hunting and you see whats against you.

Simple fact is our elected officials vote on behalf of the people who keep them in office. They probable don't hunt so they only know about bowhunting by what they hear.

HSUS will not need to spend $97 million to come after you. They have what, maybe a thousand lawyers on payroll now who only need to pay the filing fees to sue game departments or seek an injunction to stop a portion of bowhunting for being unnecessarily cruel. All they need is to do is find a judge who's willing to hear the arguement and bowhunting could be stopped till it works its way through the court system. Then if they happen to win one battle they can take that decision to build another case. You think its possible the game department might give up certain parts of the sport to save themselves some money? Look how the anti-gun issue has evolve.

What can you do?
1) First, get involved. Don't depend on someone else to do it.
2) Join a local club or get together with a couple of buddies and start one, then make sure your involved with state and regional issues.
3) Promote the sport. Get others shooting archery than talk about bowhunting. Invite your elected officials to speak at a club meeting or attend a picnic than get them shooting as well.
4) Promote Bowhunter Education.

Bowhunters are inheritly not pro-active. They don't get in front of the public promoting the sport and generally only get vocal to defend themselves. You can't win only playing defense.

Kybuckhunter 03-06-2005 11:04 AM

I wonder how many of the freaks live in the burbs. The habitat is being taken away at an amazing pace but thats ok with them as long as they get their big house in the burbs. These people need to see how harsh nature can be. Let them see thousands of animals starving to death because of over population. They live in a Disney cartoon and have no clue about nature. There was a piece in the paper today about 3 kids getting killed from hitting a deer here in Ky. If it were their kids getting killed maybe they would think more about population control. On the other hand these people value an animals life above human life so I dout even that would change their mind.

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