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Ken/WV 10-06-2003 06:14 PM

Scorpion XP or Spitfire or Shockwave...
As season approaches I' ve been thinking about trying a differnt broadhead....possibly a Scorpion XP or Spitfire....I have a couple Shockwaves left, and don' t know if I want to shoot them again or change up with something new......

I shoot a Brute Force, 70lbs, and 260+ fps.

5 shot 10-07-2003 03:12 AM

RE: Scorpion XP or Spitfire or Shockwave...
Assuming your setup produces at least 55 ft/lbs of Ke I would personal choose the scorpions, shockwaves then spitfires. In that order. I was really impressed with both the Scorpions and shockwaves when i tested them.

6ptsika 10-07-2003 06:44 AM

RE: Scorpion XP or Spitfire or Shockwave...
I' ve been shooting shockwaves the past couple of years, and tried the sorpion this year. Last week I shot a deer and noticed something odd. The entrance hole with the scorpion was very tiny. I always got large entrance holes with the shockwaves, even larger than the open blade diameter, but with the scorpion, it was a litte less than the open blade diameter. I' m thinking maybe the blade on the front blows through quicker than the chisel point of the shockwave, and doesn' t " stretch" the hide, allowing a bigger hole like the shockwave does? Just wondered if anybody else noticed this. No other complaints, pass through, broke ribs on both sides, and clipped right through the edge of the shoulder blade going out, no damage at all to the head. Blades weren' t even bent. Further testing is in order. [:D

Deleted User 10-07-2003 07:08 AM

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coolbrze0 10-07-2003 07:16 AM

RE: Scorpion XP or Spitfire or Shockwave...
I shot a doe Sat. w/ a 100 gr. Spitfire and the entrance hole mimicked the broadhead: one hole w/ the 3 blades going in, but the exit hole was MUCH larger. It was a 15 yd. very slightly quartering away shot and she only ran 25 yards max. I have been extremely happy w/ the Spitfire' s performance. Every deer I have taken w/ the Spitfires (4 deer in the last 2 years) have had complete pass throughs. Granted, the furthest shot was 25 yards, and all shots have been broadside or nearly broadside.

trestand 10-07-2003 07:43 AM

RE: Scorpion XP or Spitfire or Shockwave...
For the last 5 years I' ve used nothing but Spitfires(100' s),and the Shockwaves(85' s).I' m staying with the Shockwaves,they give a large entrance and exit hole,very brutal..Bob

tnichols 10-07-2003 09:56 AM

RE: Scorpion XP or Spitfire or Shockwave...
I shot a buck last friday with a Rocky Mountain Gator XP. The entrance wound was unreal about a 3 1/2 incision. I looked like the deer was stabbed with a hunting knife. The arrow completely passed thru the deer and stuck in the ground on the other side. I am shooting 290 fps w/ 72 KE. I had a buddy shoot a doe with a spitfire last weekend, he got horrible penetration and one blade did not open. He lost the deer.

Ken/WV 10-07-2003 11:03 AM

RE: Scorpion XP or Spitfire or Shockwave...
When I first joined the forums a couple years ago I had read something about shockwaves and how they passed your approval 5 Shot, and that' s why I originally bought them. And if you reccomend the Scorpion' s, I figure my next trip to the Bow Shop will see me leaving with a set of XP' s for the upcoming season.

Donald Fry 10-19-2003 05:53 PM

RE: Scorpion XP or Spitfire or Shockwave...
i shoot spitfires 100 gr. entrance wound isn' t unusual but the exit wound is incredible. last deer i shot it left a hole i could stick my fist in. i told my wife if you are going to shoot me use a gun not a bow.[:-]

TreePhantom 10-19-2003 06:12 PM

RE: Scorpion XP or Spitfire or Shockwave...
Scorpions don' t look bad. You can get the Shockwaves now for $12 @ I' d save $8 on a proven performer though.

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