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Natty Bumpo 03-21-2003 01:53 PM

Zaft buck downgraded
Just found out the Zaft buck has been scored as 180+ typical because of the right side G2-G3 have a common base resulting in major deductions. It had been listed on his website as the new world record typical bowkill. Now it wont even be close.

nub 03-21-2003 03:33 PM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
[:' (]

Natty Bumpo 03-21-2003 03:49 PM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
The Zaft buck was officially panel scored on March 8 in Madison Wisconsin by Pope and Young.

nub 03-21-2003 04:15 PM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
[:' (]

WhiteRaven 03-22-2003 05:05 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
Nub, the results may not be official until the convention in May but the panel scoring results are still getting out there unofficially. Natty bumpo has it right, sort of. The buck the farmer found and gave to Zaft will not be the next WR typical by bow. As a matter of fact it' s not even close, and as a typical doesn' t even qualify for B&C. Problem is the G3 was ruled a deduction as was the G5 on the right beam. This means the G3 on the left side now also becomes a deduction due to assymettry. Toss into the equation the other major asymmetry deductions for side to side differences and you' re looking at a rack that scored between 155 and 160 (ranking it right around the 10,000th mark in P&Y). Scored as a typical this buck is now just a big 8 point with major deductions both for asymmetry and abnormal points. However, the deer WAS NOT SCORED AS A TYPICAL BUT SCORED AS A NON-TYPICAL. And as a non-typical it' s not all that impressive. This buck shouldn' t even have been considered for entry into P&Y due to all of the circumstances surrounding it. Poetic justice. It doesn' t look like Zaft will be retiring anytime soon from his job as a cabinet maker.

nub 03-22-2003 09:38 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
[:' (]

NEWSHOOTER 03-22-2003 10:31 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
Can some one post a picture of this cabinet makers buck?

WhiteRaven 03-22-2003 10:59 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
Nub, do you really believe that the results of this will be kept " top secret" until May. The information was " leaked" less than an hour after it was scored.

nub 03-22-2003 11:13 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
[:' (]

Antler Eater 03-22-2003 11:14 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
Wow! I had not heard that news....Time will tell...If in fact this information is true it just goes to show that the game is never over until the fat lady sings! ;)

All of the " unofficial" P&Y' ers that put stuff in print seemed to indicate it would be the next archery typical world record whitetail. I wonder what Mel Johnson is thinking. The last thing I read about his opinion was that he would see what the panel says. It is hard to believe his buck has held the record since 1965.

Whatever will be will be......

HighBow 03-22-2003 07:52 PM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
I have never understood why you would deduct from something that grew natural on a deer' s head. That why I agree with BTR method scoring.:)

HuntingBry 03-23-2003 10:02 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
Who cares what it scores officially, unofficially, on Mars or whatever, it' s still a monster buck. Getting too wrapped up in scores and records can take the fun out of hunting.

BOWFANATIC 03-23-2003 06:29 PM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded

Who cares what it scores officially, unofficially, on Mars or whatever, it' s still a monster buck. Getting too wrapped up in scores and records can take the fun out of hunting.

I couldn' t agree more![:-]

WV Hunter 03-24-2003 06:21 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded

Who cares what it scores officially, unofficially, on Mars or whatever, it' s still a monster buck. Getting too wrapped up in scores and records can take the fun out of hunting.
Very nice Bryan, I agree totally! :D

davidmil 03-24-2003 06:30 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded

Who cares what it scores officially, unofficially, on Mars or whatever, it' s still a monster buck. Getting too wrapped up in scores and records can take the fun out of hunting.

The coyotes that killed this buck didn' t care what he scored either. I bet it was tasty and fed some hungry critters.

cyclone 03-24-2003 06:50 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded

ORIGINAL: Natty Bumpo

Just found out the Zaft buck has been scored as 180+ typical because of the right side G2-G3 have a common base resulting in major deductions. It had been listed on his website as the new world record typical bowkill. Now it wont even be close.
RATS man, Now I gotta let em walk when I notice those kinds of imperfections.;)

JRW 03-24-2003 07:39 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded

" Kristin: Again, who cares besides you? Take your trash back to the bowsite."
Please GOD NO!!!! Can we pick another site to send WR/Kristen too? :D


buckbuster99 03-24-2003 08:04 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
Couldnt have said it better myself Bryan, makes me anxious for the fall seeing buster-bucks like that.

WhiteRaven 03-24-2003 09:05 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
Just passing along information.

Cyrus 03-24-2003 09:13 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
We know, we know.

You seem to be obsessed with passing along some" information."

Trouble is, no one wants to hear it!

xibowhunter 03-24-2003 10:32 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded

well good ,now that we have a decision ,even if it is rumor it doesn' t matter if he shot it or not and we can close the door on the subject![X(]

WhiteRaven 03-24-2003 11:08 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
Those who don' t want to hear it don' t have to read it. Tough luck!!!!!

WhiteRaven 03-24-2003 11:11 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
And FYI Cyrus, it' s interesting to note that this thread is getting the most hits. So I guess you' re in the minority. Tough luck!!!!!

Cyrus 03-24-2003 11:45 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
Must be for the same reason people rubber neck at car accidents!

JD IN ALBERTA 03-24-2003 02:16 PM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
I thought this was a forum of discussion...why shut up when we' re all here to discuss our thoughts about hunting. Some people need to settle down and chill out[:o]JMHO. I say great buck anyway you look at him, don' t hate those who get a dream fulfilled.:)

Deleted User 03-24-2003 03:27 PM

[Deleted by Admins]

skeeter 7MM 03-24-2003 03:35 PM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
I admit the story that surrounds the Zaft buck is a little long in the tooth, but lets be honest it is a great buck. I don' t know any hunter that would not be tickled to tag a buck of this caliber. I agree too much is made of the final panel score now a days. Something else that really bothers me is the need to cash in on your buck. I hunt for my own goals and objectives, nobody elses. This greed does nothing for the sport, to many trying to cash in on their harvests and just as many trying to stop others from doing so. In almost every case of world class deer you find individuals questioning what has happened, score, etc.....I say for what! Antler envy, greed it' s all the same and I think their should be no place for it in the sport.[X(]

Hey here' s a concept lets credit the animal for growing these antlers and forget about the guy who pulled the trigger or flung the string.[8D] This is not to say harvesting a trophy is not an accomplishment, but I think harvesting any animal is something you should be proud of....regardless of a panel score! I suggest some of these who have envy or greed motives, ask themselves one question. " Why do I do what I do in regards to hunting" If is anything other than enjoyment, pure love for the sport and the animals you chase...then I think you need some refocus time.

Sorry really sick of the greed that has become so prodominant in this sport[:' (]

JD IN ALBERTA 03-24-2003 04:50 PM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
I agree' s just funny how $$$ can change a person when it' s being thrown in front of them. How many of us could turn down a big sum of money? It' s just human nature (sad but true). I don' t think 99% of the people that hunt do it to get rich and famous, a few have that intention and thats their perogative. But I' ll bet you they will never experience the feeling of a dad or grandpa watching his kid bag their first rabbit or pheasant. The memories I have of my dad and I hunting are truly priceless and I wouldn' t give up those for any world class buck. I was in Italy this fall and was discussing hunting with a fellow from the Phillipines. He was listening to my stories like no one I' ve ever seen. He can' t even go in the bush because of the potential dangers to their lives, plus they can only own one gun. I have over 10 guns and can take off anywhere I please anytime I want. Sometimes you have to listen to others to truly appreciate our freedoms we take for granted. Great deer and I' d be more than happy to shoot his " little brother" .

JRW 03-25-2003 07:16 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded

Hey here' s a concept lets credit the animal for growing these antlers and forget about the guy who pulled the trigger or flung the string.

Noggin 03-25-2003 02:05 PM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
Thank goodness that P&Y had the justification to refuse this as the #1 P&Y whitetail.. and hopefully the rumor of downgrading it is true. This deer had just a little more credibility than Rompola but not much. The credibility was gone when he realized that without more proof it wouldn' t make it. Then the farmer says that Zafts arrow was still in it when he first found it but Zaft says that it cleaned through the deer and stuck in the ground. I don' t believe that he shot it and the story was fabricated from the start. Then it got more complicated and smelly when the farmer and Zaft may have conspired to make the story about the arrow being in it so that P&Y would find it proof positive that he did shoot it. Didn' t buy it then and still don' t. If the rumor about the downgrade are true, my belief in P&Y is again upheld to the highest standards and they deserve accolades for the action. Zaft and his farmer neighbor just found a big deer and tried to capitalize on it, there are big $$$ for the #1 spot.

Deleted User 03-25-2003 02:29 PM

[Deleted by Admins]

silentassassin 03-25-2003 02:50 PM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded

Why do I do what I do in regards to hunting" If is anything other than enjoyment, pure love for the sport and the animals you chase...then I think you need some refocus time.
I suspect that many hunters (myself included) do it stricltly for the enjoyment etc. However, that does not mean that I would not seize the oppurtunity to capitalize on my good fortune and possibly start a new phase of my life that included me hunting any time I got ready too. That doesn' t mean that I am focusing on trying to kill the next WR, it just means that if I happen to luck into it, I am going to take advantage of the oppurtunity. I can personally think of nothing better than living off of interest and investments and hunting the rest of the time!

Noggin 03-25-2003 06:38 PM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
Not making any accusations and don' t need any proof[:-]. The conflicting tales by the people involved speak for themselves. They simply took an errant opportunity to try to claim the WR whitetail and didn' t have the story straight and with any justice P&Y isn' t buying it by scoring it lower. [X(]

nub 03-25-2003 07:55 PM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
[:' (]

don loch 03-25-2003 08:10 PM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
How true (2 Posts) Heck of a nice deer. Any hunter with half a brain and a few years in the woods will tell you weird things happen. I for one dont care what happened to the buck, but if I shot it I' ll tell you what.........................;)

WhiteRaven 03-26-2003 05:46 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
Oh let me guess nub. Anyone that thinks this way must be me???????? Is that what you' re saying? Get a reality check. One has only to look at all the hunting forums on various sites to see that not too many people were believing Zaft. He' s not exactly the most popular person. God I think more people supported Rompola and look what kind of a loser he turned out to be. What does that tell you???/

nub 03-26-2003 07:27 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
[:' (]

Deleted User 03-26-2003 07:58 AM

[Deleted by Admins]

WhiteRaven 03-26-2003 08:32 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded
Nick, why don' t you read the article online by Gordon Whittington, editor of North American Whitetail. Although there is no concrete proof (that being the rack itself) there is so much circumstantial evidence and other concrete evidence that says Mitch and his pals are scam artists. There comes a point in time where so many aspects of this indicate fake it' s not even funny. Look at the whole picture, not just a few aspects of it. As far as Rompola goes, there' s nothing that won' t convince me that this wasn' t an elaborate plan hatched by Kevin Kreh and his pals to launch Buck fever Syntjhetics. After all is it merely coincidence that Dan Bertalen, one of the men that scored the rack, is also a public relations and marketing agent for companies whose products are credited with helping Rompola " kill the deer" . One would think Kevin would sue me for liable. But then again that would allow me the perfect opportunity to have my lawyers examine any and all things/records associated with this and would prove me correct in a court of law. As far as Zaft is concerned there' s nothing I enjoy better than seeing some self proclaimed Champion go down in flames. Personally I think he just took advantage of a situation that fell into his lap. Regardless of whether or not I believe he shot the deer, nothing could have satisfied me more than having P&Y shoot down his claim. It' s interesting to note that he wasted no time hopping on The Buck Masters band wagon after a legitimate organization said " No Way!!!!!!!!!!!!"

JRW 03-26-2003 08:54 AM

RE: Zaft buck downgraded

" It' s interesting to note that he wasted no time hopping on The Buck Masters band wagon after a legitimate organization said " No Way!!!!!!!!!!!!" "
Um....' scuse me. Zaft' s buck was accepted by Buckmasters last year...after P&Y accepted his entry pending panel score. Then again, let' s not let facts get in the way of things, huh?


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