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DM 04-26-2004 07:49 AM

RE: Colorado beware of wolves
Hey bigbulls,

No matter how long you have lived in the "BUSH" you have not even scrached the surface of what really goes on out in the wilds of nature.
Does it mean, on the subject of wolves, you know MORE than me, or LESS than me??????? :>)

You love to put words in peoples mouths, as you keep IMPLYING i've "said things", that "i haven't". Does this mean you have a reading disorder??????

Drilling Man

marty1028 04-26-2004 02:25 PM

RE: Colorado beware of wolves
The Colorado DOW wrote to me saying that they are seeing wolves entering colorado and are trying to deal with the problem. My guess they are doing nothing.

MtnGuy75 04-26-2004 03:19 PM

RE: Colorado beware of wolves
Well i think im wadin into a hornets nest on this one but here i go......

Im am not for or against the reintroduction of wolves. I am however agaisnt poor managment of said reintroduction. If you all notice i said reintroduction, because thats just what it is in my opinion. My family has hunted, fished and trapped in CO for almost 150 years now and ive heard the stories and seen the proof of wolves being in CO my whole life. The kicker here is that they were regulated by mother nature. Ive seen wolves on a few occasions in the wild here and the packs never numbered more than 6 animals and were always very weary of humans. I dont disbeleive any story of them killing livestock either since ive seen more than one animal corpse with my own eyes.
I do not in my own opinion believe there any diffrent than any other predatory animal we have here, cougars, coyotes and such. Nature needs to take care of the balance and when she cant we humans need to muttle thru to help. The problem being that humans tend to do too much or too little on every occasion. So what is the anwser? Got me im just a dumb mountain kid. But i know this, if we continue to fight amonst ourselves the deed will be done without any input from us at all, and that my friends is the true irony. Anyway i hope the powers that be, along with our input can somehow find the balance that mother nature had long before we became so smart.

Just my 2 cents, hope no one yells at me :(

rather_be_huntin 04-26-2004 03:45 PM

RE: Colorado beware of wolves


Those who don't want the wolves retroduced, have seen FIRST HAND what they are like!! AND, those that want them, have NEVER lived with them!!! All they do is spout second hand data and stories!!!

I lived around them for a LONG time, and i REPEAT, once you have them established, unless you live in town, you won't like them around!!!!

Sure there are no wolves here but its not like I'm a flat lander. I live, hunt and work in the Rockies. There are bears and cougars here. They all kill in the same manner, their teeth. Its violent and not pretty with them all but thats nature. So thats fine you can call what I do "spouting" but to me spouting means I don't have any idea what I'm talking about. I admit it, I don't live around wolves however I do live amongst predatory animals.

I've been chased up a tree by a bear before and I soiled my pants but I'm not advocating thier extinction. I once had a friend screeming at me while I was walking up a draw as he was positioned on a vantage point while deer hunting. I looked above me and a cougar looked ready to pounce on me. Once he figured out I was human he bolted. I am not advocating thier extinction either. I've got a cougar stalking and killing a deer (buck) on video (I took myself while hunting deer), pretty violent. Thats the way God made it. Oh yeah and we have livestock casualities also around here, makes the local papers when it happens.

Do you somehow think a bear or cougar kills in a different manner? There may be small detailed differences but the point is they all kill and I live amongst them. I am also faced with having them here soon so I think I'm doing a little more than just spouting. So maybe I don't live in the "bush" but its not like I live in candyland either.

Just out of curiousity what is your view on bears? Cougars?

DM 04-27-2004 07:43 AM

RE: Colorado beware of wolves
Hey ratherbehunting,

The reason i have a problem with wolves and not so much bears ect.., is because wolves run in packs. They do kill for sport, and they will deliberately draw pets ect. out and kill them. (as do coyotes)

In my experence, there's no compareing bears to wolves other than they are both predetors! I've lived around bears a lot, and "If" bears and cugars ran in packs, and acted like wolves do, they would be on sh** list too!!

The brown bear in the picture was peeking in my liveing room window!

Drilling Man

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