Forums - View Single Post - please tell me just one negative to crossbows
Old 04-08-2005, 07:14 AM
MA Jay
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 801
Default RE: please tell me just one negative to crossbows

Bottom line - and notice no compounders will touch it - is that compounds want their easy and don't want anyone else to have it. Compounders want to skirt the vast ammount of time and dedication needed to master a recurve or longbow by using a tricked out compound. But they don't want anyone skirting the little time it takes learning a compound by using a crossbows. Compounders want their 300 fps, their easy draw, their high letoff .......... but dammit they don't want anyone else to have any MORE speed, any MORE letoff or easier draw.

Compounders want every easy they can afford - but only their easy. They blow up and fart fire when anyone mentions a crossbow in archery season. Why ? Because it sickens them to know someone is using an "easy" bow in "their" season when they themselves use ridiculously easy to shoot bows !

LOL .... the Irony
What a load of horse crap Data... You think a crossbow is a bow, which is why you feel this way. I don't think a crossbow is a bow ... which completely makes your whole point garbage. If I don't think a crossbow is a bow, then it's not about making archery easier .. it's about allowing a non-archery weapon into archery season. I see it from a totally different perspective .. and just as you feel I am stupid for not thinking a crossbow is all of a sudden a "new type of bow" .. I think you are awfully hard headed for not seeing that a crossbow is a completely different weapon from a bow!
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