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Old 02-24-2005, 06:31 AM
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Default RE: Would you shoot a tresspassing dog?

seriously immature to try and start something based on my own opinoin.
Goodness, your so right. It so strange to comment on a post on what one believes in a forum. What a wierd concept. A forum, a place to exchange beliefs and ideals. Must be immature.

The reason I got on you? The rest would say they might do it or did do it or last resort. Which Is understandable as I have been there, but definatley didn't get any pleasure from it. They didn't seem to get any joy out of it which is fairly normal behavior, I believe for most humans. I have a feeling alot of them would confront the people and act like a man about it first and be brave. But there's a small bunch I bet that are wierdo's that get off on it and post things like the three S's and put LOL on the end of it.