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Old 09-03-2002, 02:21 PM
Fork Horn
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 159
Default RE: After the Shot. Tips for the upcoming seasons.

ALWAYS being willing to accept that what you think you saw or what evidence indicates is NOT true. I've seen to many squirrely things in bowhunting to take things as ALWAYS. For example... bubbles in blood. I know I've told the story but I once shot a deer busting his shoulder and exiting in front of it traveling through all the slime and grissly stuff behind the shoulder blade. As the bad leg swung and the deer ran working the shoulder the only thing I can determine was the movement caught air and created bubbles. Luckily I cut the artery and found the deer 600 yards away. The arrow never entered the chest cavity but every drop of blood after the first 100 yards was frothy with bubbles. I also shot one clean through the ribs exiting in the off side arm pit. The arrow was covered with green slime and smelled like gut shot. The arrow passed through the food tube and the deer must have been in the process of reguritating some cud and the arrow passed through it. A thorough inspection showed the arrow entering 5 or 6 ribs up and leaving the arm pit. Go figure. What you know for fact can sometimes NOT be. Persistance pays off.

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