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Old 02-16-2005, 10:15 AM
Nontypical Buck
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Join Date: Apr 2004
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I agree with Wolf killer and add that if he was a good friend that he would sit you down. Talk to you one on one meaning that he would let you explain yourself and respect what you had to say. True it might be bad for bussiness if you are seen showing off your new bow or shooting it at the range during bussiness hours. But for him to call it a junk bow or for him belittle you, well that shows a hint of jelousy to me. He might deep down have wanted to sell Mathews in the past but couldn't because other dealers had the contract already? With the 4 Pro-Shops we have around here in IF I know of three different employe's who wok at two of the 4 shops, that have bought different brand bows than what their own shop carried. In all the cases their boss's just told them to go for it if that was the bow that their heart was set on. They were all told just don't be trying to sell your brand of bow to customers who come into our shop. Sounds like you are making a good choice in leaving! And BTW good luck with the SB!
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