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Old 10-06-2002, 08:17 PM
Squirrel Master
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: florence ky USA
Posts: 74
Default RE: NY Coyote Nabs Fido From Backyard

I have to dissagree. I know for a fact that if a yote wanted to take a little kid or baby, they can do it and im sure it has been done before. This topic is just like saying that black bears wont come after a human. Now what about the baby, that was in New York and was killed???? What about that? Everyone said you dont have anything to worry about, then this happens. Anything can happen. Why do they say to hunt with two people for yotes when your hunting on the ground?? Probably because someone has been attacked before by a yote. Just like the attacks on america. The top dogs said it could never happen..... look what happened??? I'm just saying that anything is possible. You scare a yote, he just might attack you. If he is hungry enough, he WILL TAKE A BABY OR LITTLE CHILD. Why is it the dogs fault?
Just because you hate small dogs doesnt mean its the dogs fault. Its out fault. We made them do this and everyone knows it. I think instead of killing them, they need to hire a skilled trapper and relocate the animals. Just so you know, Im not an animal rights activist, I just dont think killing the yotes will solve the problem. Give them another chance, we took their space, now give them their space back....

Squirrel Master
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