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Old 01-15-2005, 09:03 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 185
Default RE: WEST VIRGINIA "Freezer Hunters"

Mason- Frustration often rears it's ugly head in many ways. However, you know what they say about opinions.. they are like as...... everyone has one. Stating opinions is fine attacks on a person are not worth it. Having a difference of opinions is normal and nobody can fault that. Squabbling between hunters is just what all the tree huggers love to see and hear. I agree WV does have some management issues. I have family there and have hunted there and will continue to. Oh and yes WV does need the out of State deposits from hunting liscences to fund their budget. The millions lost to lack of out of State liscence fees would have to be recovered somewhere. Lest us not forget all of the fuel taxes and other associated funds collected from the ancillary services utilized by out of State visitors. The first thing WV needs to do is enforce their check in laws and handle the poachers. However they do not have enough trained CO's to even check liscences at a reasonable rate. Let alone enforce laws with authority. Some folks need to take a few deer each year to feed the family. Some may do it for financial reasons, others for health reasons. Wild game is a lot better for those with CHD, CHF, Elevated LDL-C, Elevated CRP etc.. etc... Voice your opinion to your local officials, perhaps start a petition, get involved. A little effort can go a long way. Your concerns are valid your delivery needs polishing.

Regarding no clues as to hunting. I take that personally being from New England and your generalization that because a State may not have the deer overabundance that WV has that people aren't hunters. I will put my tracking and perseverence skills to the test anytime you would like to. You are acurate in saying we have less deer in New England. However, sitting on stand for days on end and not seeing deer makes one hone their other abilities. In addition to making any mature deer a trophy. I have hunted WV as I mentioned before. I did appreciate the knowledge learned from observation as I saw 200 plus deer in a four day period last year. The majority were in fact does. Heck I have seen deer down there walking down the street at noon in July. Over the years it hasn't been to hard to sit on the hill in the shack and wait to slaughter the does or anything else that walks by for those acustom to doing so. Come on up if you'd like, I'd be happy to take you to our property on the Canadian border and we can track 'em through the timber land. Park the truck and stalk and track for 8 hrs and cover 8 or 10 miles if you want that trophy. Not only will it be a big boddied 180 lb plus dressed deer, the memory of defeating one of North Americas most elusive animals at his own game wil be a trophy sized memory to last a life time. Our rifle season starts on Wednesday November 9th this year I'd love to have ya. VTBUCK can join us as well I know he has mentioned he has travelled the great north woods in NH and VT.

Again I respect your valid opinion and believe it may be beneficial to have WV officials hear it. Just polish the delivery. The pen is mightier than the sword. Good luck.
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