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Old 01-13-2005, 07:47 PM
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Default RE: Shot the Allegiance and Switchback today


Who you callin' sensitive!?

Seriously these guys bring up some valid points, first off the Switchback is a very nice bow, not gonna deny that fact.
I spoke to a few guys at the ATA show who I trust and who have shot both at the same weights and lengths ......and they told me that pretty much if you blind folded them and they didn't have different grips that it would be very hard to tell them apart at the draw. I was told that both feel like their stated weight , it's just that they transition extremely smooth making the effort feel less over the entire draw making the cam system more pleasing to draw.
They said that the Switchback might be a touch milder on the shot but that the Allegiance was quite a bit faster. (I would drop names for you but they are both well known bow testers and asked that their comments be off the record until they can publish their reviews so I will respect that) They were VERY impressed with the Allegiance.

The way that the draw cycle is front loaded on the Allegiance is such that if you are drawing a bow that is too long you will be carrying that weight over a 2" longer portion of the draw cycle carrying it into your shoulder muscles. When it is right for your draw length it has already broken before you get that far. I would say the exact same thing to someone who felt that the Switchback drew harder than the Allegiance given they were reversed. Even 1" too long will make a big difference.......our bodies are not simply not used to that extra length.
Trust me if I tried to draw a 32" bow it's not going to feel pretty regardless of WHAT make or model it is, unless it's a much lower draw weight than I'm accustomed to, that's a fact.

To me Atlas is correct, the Equalizer cams feel like whatever weight they say they are........If I'm drawing 60# it feels like 60# in my book on these cams. The difference is in the fact that the draw force curve is so smooth in transition and front loaded that the effort decreases rapidly as you slide through the does not stack like the more agressive single or dual cams on the market. The Infinity cam on the Patriot is an agressive cam.
But if Atlas was to draw one to his correct length and same weight as his Patriot he would immediately feel what I am talking about. The "E" cam bow draw cycles are ergonomically correct, meaning that this is the way we SHOULD be drawing bows, and it shouldn't take long for your muscles to forget the harder way.
I would bet anyone here a whole $5 (I know big spender) that if they tried an Allegiance at their comfortable draw weight and length for a few weeks, and then tried to go back to their old bows that they would find Ol' faithful harder to draw than they remember.[:-]

It's not a defense of the cam system, it's just that by the nature of it you really must draw it at your particular draw length , and I would say the same of the Switchback to anyone who said that they tried one above their personal specs and found it tough to draw.

I respect your opinion Matt and I agree that everything you said should be true. The two things that I experienced that didn't jive though are the longer and heavier Switchback was still buttery smooth and my Patriot felt 20 times easier and smoother to draw then the this just because I am so used to the way it draws??
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