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Old 01-11-2005, 08:21 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 491
Default RE: Things not likely to change in PA... at least not this year.

While outdoor writers all over the state are praising Alt and thanking him for his efforts ,I would also like to thank Alt for the following,

THANK YOU Alt for:

1. Stating that late born fawns were due to a skewed B/D ratio ,when in fact it was due to the late breeding of female fawns in Dec. and Jan.

2,. Stating that we had a skewed B/D ratio prior to AR when in fact it was 1:2.1 ,which is the preferred ratio in a heavily hunted herd.

3. Stating that AR would save 75K to 80K 1.5 buck and then telling us in 2002 it only saved 38 K

4. Stating that we would have more and bigger buck than ever before and that AR would double the number of 8+ pt. buck even though that was impossible as we reduced our herd by 50%

5 Stating that the buck harvest would return to normal after the 2002 season, when in fact it was 30% lower in 2003.

6. Stating that the harvest of 283 K anterless deer reduced the herd by 8% and then telling us the herd has continued to increase since 1998.

7. Stating that we had to shoot more doe to make room for the buck, but then telling us we have had no herd reduction since you were appointed.

8. Telling the attendees at the Audubon conference that the beta hunters of PA couldn't harvest a deer even if it was locked in the conference room or something to that effect.

9. Stating that there hasn't been any successful regeneration north of I-80 in the last 50 years.

10. Stating that the harvests are not responsible for the reduced OWDD ,when in fact harvests have exceeded recruitment for the last four years in 2G, thereby reducing the herd to 12 DPSM, 3 DPSM below it's goal.

Finally , thank you Alt for leaving and blaming the hunters and the PGC for your failure to reduce the herd and your ineffectiveness!
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