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Old 12-06-2004, 07:17 AM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Hillsboro, Ohio
Posts: 464
Default Got another one...

Yep, Saturday was the last day for me to go gun hunting here in Ohio. My friend (new to hunting) set me up in a funnel along a crp field and 2nd crop bean field with the funnel inbetween running a creek bottom. He told me what tree and stuff and then left, I climbed up and pulled my gun up then; here come 2 does five minutes after he left! I'm like, "Heck yeah!". I raise my gun as they are heading towards the fence in the bottom (only 11-15 yds away) and the first one jumps the fence and busts me so she is outa there, but the big momma came second and as soon as she hit the ground, my 20 ga. winchester rifled slug found her two front shoulders. She scurried around and I got down and tried to shoot her again, missed, she slid down to the creek, and I shot her in the head, she STILL didn't die! She jumped into the creek for one last effort and she landed with her head under water, still breathing and I just left her. I went to my stand, than came back and she was done! After I field dressed her, I noticed the bullet just broke both front legs, not even breaking near the rib cage....??? I didn't get it..., but I kinda feel bad because my friends (remember, new to hunting) set me up and I was the only one who seen deer, shot at deer, and got a deer.
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