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Old 10-29-2004, 06:19 PM
Deerslayer_37's Avatar
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Default Whacked a doe today

My dad dropped me off at our farm in Grant county wisconsin(outside boscobel, Unit 73E, HRZ). i was hoping to shoot a doe to get my buck tag or hopefully shoot a doe and a buck. I did some rattling early to see if i could get any bucks to move around. I heard quite a few shots. i was going up one of our hill roads anda buck jumped the road and headed into some woods. i drove quicklky and cut him off. i then walked out the finger he was in(it juts out into pasture, and i knew he'd cut back rather than go into the open.) and kicked him up right away. i had him 45 yards standing still. i studied his rack and saw it was the same genetic as the buck i shot last year. 16" spread, 6 points(missing brows), but he'll be nice in a couple of years. i then went into some other cover across teh hill road. i took a leak and went three steps when i bumped a doe. i got my gun up, lost her for a sec, and then found her in the scope. one shot at 100 yards did the job. right in the shoulder, left a nasty exit hole. doe fawn. i would have taken a mature doe but i didnt have any deer around her to compare to. either way, i did my part in QDM and earned my buck tag.i feel pretty proud because i hunted alone, took her alone, gutted her alone, and took her down and got some ice on her alone. i found some good sign, a tree 14 inches in diameter that is getting rubbed..theres supposed to be a buck that is around 175-180" typical hanging around..i found the rub line that leads from field to thick cover..doesnt take a rocket scientist to put that one together..i may go after him tommorrow

good luck Zone T hunters

BTW, it was 70 degrees where i was hunting, 80 at our house..its terrible, the deer just refuse to move..get them hides off quick and ice the carcasses.

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